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MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />107 EAST KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS TEXAS <br />THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25 2021 5:30 P.M. <br />1. The Airport Advisory Board was called to order at 5.-30 p. m. by Chairman Scott Avery. <br />Members present: Ray Ball, Jim Bell, Scott Avery, Scott Hearne, Zachary Ebbs, and Anna <br />Spencer. with Jeff Sugg absent. <br />City Representatives: Paula Portugal, Mayor Pro-Tem/Council Liaison; Grayson Path, City <br />Manager; Janice Ellis, City Clerk; Skylar Hoskins, Deputy City Clerk; and Derek Dacus, <br />Engineering Technician. Also present was Jerry Richey, Airport Manager. <br />2. Citizen's Input <br />No one spoke during the citizen's forum. <br />3. Consider approval of minutes from the meeting of January 28, 2021. <br />After some clarification regarding the Runway being overdue for pavement maintenance, a <br />Motion to approve the Minutes was made by Ray Ball, and seconded by Jim Bell. Motion <br />carried, 5 ayes — 0 Nays. <br />4. Discuss delinquent hangar rentals. <br />Ms. Ellis stated that the individuals who Ms. Harris sent collection letters to had paid their <br />delinquent fees. Mr. Ball asked Ms. Ellis if after 30 days of nonpayment they were in violation of <br />their lease, to which Ms. Ellis said, yes they would be in violation of their lease agreement. Mr. <br />Ball then asked if a policy could be established defining what they consider to be a violation of <br />the lease. Ms. Ellis stated she would add it to a future agenda. <br />5. Receive FBO report. <br />Anna Spencer arrived at 5:39 p.m. <br />Airport Manager Jerry Richey stated the airport received no damage from the snow and ice storm <br />that occurred and was only closed for three days. <br />6. Discuss and take action on a ground lease agreement with Skyler Burchinal. <br />Ms. Ellis stated that the City was informed earlier in the day by a TXDOT Aviation <br />representative that the location of the proposed hangar does not comply with the Airport Master <br />Plan. However, they did recommend approval to move forward with the site subject to FAA <br />approval. There is a scheduled meeting on March 4th with TXDOT to further discuss the matter. <br />