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Regular Council Meeting <br />May 24, 2021 <br />Page 5 <br />RESOLUTION TO THE COMPANY AND LEGAL COUNSEL; MAKING OTHER <br />FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING <br />AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />Mr. Anderson explained that Oncor Electric Delivery Company filed an Application for <br />approval to amend its distribution cost recovery factor which would mean an increase in <br />distribution revenues. Mr. Anderson said in order for the consultant to have time to review it, the <br />City needed to deny Oncor's request for increased revenues. He also said once reviewed by the <br />consultant, that staff would bring this matter back to the City Council. <br />A Motion to deny Oncor's application to amend its distribution cost recovery factor was <br />made by Mayor Pro -Tem Hughes and seconded by Council Member Pankaj. Motion carried, 5 <br />ayes — 0 nays. <br />22. Discuss and act on RESOLUTION NO. 2021-016: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, DENYING A PETITION TO <br />DISANNEX A 31.774 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED AT 660 AND 680 CR <br />32900 WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS; MAKING OTHER <br />FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING <br />AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />City Attorney Stephanie Harris said the City of Paris received a disannextion request <br />from Brandon and Kara Bond for two parcels of land. She said the reasons they requested <br />disannextion was for lack of city services. Ms. Harris said the only services not currently <br />available to the property were water and sewer, and there were no plans at this time to extend <br />water and sewer to the area. She also said that water service provided by Lamar County Water <br />Supply District was available. Ms. Harris said the property did not meet the City's criteria for <br />considering disannexation because this request was made by a single property owner for two <br />contiguous parcels and disannextion of the property would create a key hole within the City <br />limits. <br />Petitioner Brandon Bond said he was frustrated with the Planning & Zoning Committee <br />and the Community Development Department, because they had not been willing to work with <br />them. He said they were trying to build a home on thirty-two acres. Mayor Portugal and Council <br />Member Stone inquired if the Bonds were aware when they purchased the property, that Lamar <br />County Water Supply District was the provider of water. Mr. Bond said they were not aware of <br />that. Council Member Savage inquired what services were they paying for and not getting. Mr. <br />Bond said Police, Fire and EMS. City Staff Members said those services were available. Council <br />Member Savage asked Mr. Bond what the City was doing that prevented them from building a <br />house and inquired the reason that made them want to be disannexed from the City. Mr. Bond <br />said the City was requiring a permit and had directed him to the website. Council Member <br />Pankaj offered his assistance to help the Bonds work through the process. Mayor Portugal <br />echoed Council Member Pankaj. <br />