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A motion was made by Clifton Fendley, seconded by Sims Norment to approve the Final <br />Plat with removing the TXDOT conditions, Motion carried 5-0. <br />13. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat of Lot 1, Block A of the Hines <br />Addition, LCAD Property ID 15201, located at 541 NW 11th Street. <br />Mack states this is a simultaneous review for a preliminary plat and the next item for final <br />plat approval. The subject property's existing structures will be demolished and a new <br />home constructed as a part of the city's HOME Program. The site contains .18 acres. <br />Staff recommends approval without conditions. <br />A motion was made by Clifton Fendley, seconded by Francine Neeley to approve the <br />Preliminary Plat. Motion carried 5-0. <br />14. Consideration of and action on the Final Plat of Lot 1, Block A of the Hines Addition, <br />LCAD Property ID 15201, located at 541 NW 1 l th Street. <br />Mack states this is the same plat for simultaneous approval of the final plat. <br />A motion was made by Sims Norment, seconded by Clifton Fendley to approve the Final <br />Plat. Motion carried 5-0. <br />15. Request items for future agendas. <br />Chairman Lindsey requested discussion of the Home Occupation Ordinance at a future <br />meeting. <br />16. Adjournment. <br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:1 1p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 2"d DAY OF AUGUST, 2021 i <br />r <br />kc -Chairman <br />