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10-04-2021 Minutes
Boards and Commissions
10-04-2021 Minutes
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6. Consider amendatory language proposed by the Consultant in Articles I, II, III and IV of <br />the Charter. <br />Consultant Don Edmonds began reviewing Article IJI, Section 16 and stated there were three parts <br />to be considered which were election of the mayor at -large, length of terms and compensation. He <br />inquired of the members if they wanted to compensate Council Members. Mr. Webb wanted to know <br />what other cities the size of Paris normally do. Mr. Edmonds said smaller cities do not normally <br />compensate their Council Members. The Commission discussed where the money comes from, the <br />fact that other board members were not compensated, that $250.00 a month was too much, if the City <br />had to pay them to volunteer then that could be an issue, and how much additional time Council <br />Members expended volunteering. Ms. Holtman suggested they review this at the next meeting and <br />asked Mr. Edmonds to review all cities with a 903 area code that were similar to the size of Paris. City <br />Clerk Ms. Ellis suggested that they used the cities that city staff had previously conducted <br />comparisons, with regard to other items. It was a consensus to do so, and Ms. Ellis said she would <br />send a list of the cities to Mr. Edmonds. <br />Next, Mr. Edmonds reviewed the length of terms and stated the City Council currently could serve <br />three two-year terms. He inquired if they wanted to look at changing that to two three-year terms. <br />Following discussion, it was a consensus that they did not want to make any changes to this section <br />but wanted to keep the terms at three two-year terms. <br />Mr. Edmonds began reviewing the mayor at -large issue and stated there was a lot of history <br />surrounding having a mayor at -large, one of which was a voting rights lawsuit in the seventies, which <br />placed the City in seven single member districts. He added that in 2007 the Charter Review <br />Commission decided to leave the section as written. He said in 2011, the City Council put two <br />propositions on the ballot, which did not include the mayor at -large election. In 2015, Mr. Edmonds <br />said the Charter Review Commission met twice and recommended no changes at all to the Charter. <br />Mr. Edmonds said in 2015, there was discussion about electing a mayor at -large. Mr. Edmonds said <br />this was complicated and they would need to get pre -clearance from the Department of Justice and <br />that would require a lot of time. <br />City Attorney Stephanie Harris explained the pre -clearance issue could change depending on the <br />administration at the DOJ. Ms. Harris said the City was in the beginning stages of redistricting that is <br />required every ten years, and suggested that this item be reviewed in five years because the Charter <br />provides for a review every five years. Ms. Harris inquired of Ms. Ellis if the Commission in 2007 <br />had discussed electing a mayor at -large and Ms. Ellis recollected they did. Jessica Holtman asked Ms. <br />Ellis if she could provide the Commission with that information and Ms. Ellis said staff would review <br />the old files. <br />Mr. Hayter wanted to know about putting the issue on electing a mayor at -large as a referendum. <br />Ms. Harris advised him that did not fall within a Charter Amendment. Ms. Cherry said the people <br />should be allowed to vote on the mayor, as did other Commission Members. They discussed changing <br />to six single member districts and electing a mayor at -large, as well as keeping the seven single <br />member districts, and electing a mayor at -large who would not vote except in case of a tie vote. Mr. <br />Edmonds reminded everyone of the intercession in place by the Federal Government. The Commission <br />4 <br />
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