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Item No. 16 <br />TO: Mayor, Mayor Pro -Tem & City Council <br />FROM: Grayson Path, City Manager <br />Doug Harris, Director of Utilities <br />SUBJECT: Pat Mayse Intake Facility <br />Backup Generation <br />DATE: October 25, 2021 <br />BACKGROUND: <br />In February 2021, the State of Texas experienced significantly cold weather that impacted the <br />power distribution throughout the state. From this cold weather event, the City of Paris <br />experienced rolling blackouts that ultimately impacted the City's Ground Storage Facility, <br />knocking it offline for several hours which prevented us from replenishing our water storage, thus <br />nearly cutting off water supply for the entire community. Following this incident, the City Council <br />agreed that a backup generator at this facility needs to be installed. City Staff, working with our <br />third party administrator, Resource Management & Consulting Co., budgeted the necessary <br />amount in the FY21/22 Budget using the recently received American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) <br />Funding. We are currently working through the necessary steps of purchasing this generator and <br />having it installed. <br />Having started this process, we believe that now would be a good time to also address another <br />critical location of our water infrastructure. The Pat Mayse Intake Facility is located several miles <br />north of town at Pat Mayse Lake and is the direct source of our water for the community. From <br />here, four pumps work together to send water to the Water Treatment Facility where it is treated <br />and then sent on to the Ground Storage Facility for distribution out in to the City. The Pat Mayse <br />Intake Facility is therefore just as critical to our water infrastructure, and perhaps even more <br />vulnerable given its remote location, that we believe purchasing and installing a generator here to <br />be a critical need as well. <br />