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5. The variance by the applicant is not solely for personal convenience, financial hardship, or <br />other reasons unrelated to the property. <br />6. The proposed use of a new single-family dwelling is a permitted use in the SF -2 Zoning <br />District. <br />5. Public hearing to consider and take action on the petition of Kevin Dew, on behalf of PD <br />Lamar Paris, LP, on Lot 12, City Block 315, being located at 4075 Lamar Avenue. <br />The applicant requests a variance of Section 10-103 Off -Street Parking and Loading Regulations <br />of the Zoning Ordinance which provides as follows: <br />10-102. COMPUTING PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS <br />The number ofparking spaces required for a specific development proposal shall be based <br />on the requirements listed in subsection 10-103, Off -Street Parking and Loading Space <br />Requirements, and the following provisions: <br />(1) Deviation of required spaces. The amount of parking can be reduced or increased <br />by twenty (20) percent with prior approval by the community development director. <br />Deviations in excess of twenty (20) percent must be accompanied by a parking study and <br />approved by the board of adjustment. <br />10-103 (a) In all districts except the CA district as provided herein, there shall be <br />provided, at the time any building or structure is erected or structurally altered, off-street <br />parking and loading spaces in accordance with the following requirements: <br />Retail store or personal service establishment, except as otherwise specified herein: One <br />parking space for every 200 square feet of floor area. <br />The applicant is proposing to construct a new retail location and are unable to meet the required <br />315 parking spaces. The applicant is requesting a variance of 56 parking spaces to provide only <br />259 parking spaces. <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />Andrew Mack, Director of Planning & Community Development, presents variance to the board. <br />Mack states that the developers are carving out a piece of property in front of the old Ashley's <br />Furniture store to build a Scooter's Coffee. When working with the property owner PD Lamar <br />Paris in previous meetings it was determined that this development would eliminate some of the <br />required parking spaces which presented the need for the variance. He continues that while <br />observing this property it does appear to be over parked. Mack also mentions that there were a few <br />additional corrections that needed to be made along with a new plat that are already in motion. <br />Lastly. Mack recommends approval to the board based on the staff findings and conditions. <br />Lester Jones, of 10201 S Autumn Leaf Circle, and representative of Kevin Dew and ALJ Lindsey, <br />explains to the board the concept of Scooter's Coffee. It is a drive through, kiosk coffee shop, so <br />there are no customers in the building only the employees; therefore there are very few parking <br />