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spaces to accommodate the building. He continues to inform the board that there will be nine <br />parking spaces in the drive through to make up for the lacking spaces in the surrounding parking <br />lot. <br />Chairperson RuthAnn Alsobrook asks if the structure is going to be temporary or permanent to <br />which Mr. Jones replies that it will be a permanent building on a concrete foundation. Mr. Jones <br />continues to tell the board that Scooter's is currently built across 20 states in the southern region <br />and they are currently working on building 30 new locations across Texas, Oklahoma and New <br />Mexico. <br />David Hamilton, board member, asks if they are comfortable with the traffic flow that is going to <br />be created by development is going to be handled by the way they have it designed to which Mr. <br />Jones responds that he is. Mr. Jones explains that the Scooter's concept in general requires 6 to 7 <br />parking ques in the drive through and for this location they designed it with 9 to 10 spaces, so he <br />is comfortable that it will be able to accommodate the area. Mr. Jones continues to tell the board <br />that they design a variety of business from as small as Scooter's to as big as Amazon so they are <br />accustomed to seeing a variety of parking needs and designs. Lastly, Mr. Jones explains that though <br />Scooter's is frequently compared to Starbucks that tends to remain very busy and always has a <br />long drive through line the difference in concept and customer interaction is different and designed <br />to be more efficient. <br />Larry Walker, board member, mentions the similar coffee chain on Collegiate that frequently has <br />15 to 20 cars in line that spills out into the street; his concern is how close the building is to one of <br />the main entrances to the parking lot being blocked by the cars and if 10 spaces will be enough to <br />prevent that. Mr. Jones then explains that the difference is similar to Popeye's and Chick-fil-a in <br />the fact that the operations of the business are different. Mr. Jones also mentions that this will be <br />a much smaller volume since there is no inside access for customers and the concept is made to be <br />efficient to reduce the wait in the drive through. Lastly, Mr. Jones states that if there is ever an <br />issue of not having enough ques in the drive through that Scooter's would quickly be looking into <br />building another location to accommodate the high demand; though that is not frequently necessary <br />for this chain. <br />Andrew Mack responds to the previous questions by informing the board that concept was <br />presented to and reviewed by TXDot and they did not express any concerns. Specifically with the <br />question of there being enough stacking in the drive through there was no concerns since the <br />concept is more streamline and efficient. In addition, Scooter's has provided double the minimum <br />5 stacking spaces required by the City. Lastly, Mack states that if there is an initial wave of traffic <br />due to interest in a new business additional staffing will be provided to help direct the traffic. <br />RuthAnn Alsobrook made note of citizen input forms submitted by mail as follows: <br />Carol Olson, of 130 NE 42' Street, in opposition. Stated that it would add excessive traffic to an <br />already high traffic area. <br />