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Consultant Don Edmonds said Mr. Path had e-mailed to them a couple of typographical <br />errors, one on page five and one on page twenty-one. Mr. Edmonds said those would be corrected. <br />Mr. Edmonds asked if anyone had suggestions other than what he had presented in the final report <br />and recommendations. <br />Connie Dodd referenced pages four & five with regard to he and she language. City <br />Attorney Stephanie Harris reminded the Commission there would be gender specific language in <br />the Charter to address that. Ms. Putnam asked if there was anything they had reviewed over the <br />last five weeks that they needed to expand on. She said she would be presenting the Report to the <br />City Council as the voice of the entire Commission. Matthew Coyle wanted to know if they should <br />include language with regard to the next Charter Review. Mr. Edmonds said there was already <br />language in the Charter that addressed that. Although the Commission discussed and previously <br />decided to propose the mayor at -large, they discussed the subject in depth, specifically the mayor <br />who would be elected at -large, he or she would be the eighth Council Member, and would not <br />being able to vote. In summary, the Commission decided to stay with the recommendation of <br />proposing that the mayor be elected at -large and not vote except in case of a tie. Mr. Path explained <br />the mayor would be elected in odd -numbered years when Council Members in Districts 1, 3 and 7 <br />were elected. <br />7. Adjournment. <br />A Motion to adjourn was made by Kenneth Webb and seconded by Chad Lindsey. Motion <br />carried unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 6:13 p.m. <br />Approved this day of w 2021. <br />Alix Putnam, Chairperson <br />2 <br />