Regular municipal elections in and for the City of Paris shall be held on the uniform
<br />election date established by state law in Jrrr Al2gU) May of each year. 'I"te rrralyo shall
<br />be eh rn td at tmrrrte in oaN( yc�,ar In even -numbered years, council
<br />members from Districts One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Six (6) shall be elected. In odd -
<br />numbered years, council members from Districts Four (4), Five (5) and Seven (7) shall
<br />be elected. ti"rr n tt'rr rru,aryr rn, °6il council members shall be bona fide residents of
<br />the districts in which they seek election, shall possess the qualifications prescribed by this
<br />Charter and by V.T.C.A. Election Code, Chapter 141, as amended, and shall be elected
<br />by a majority vote of the qualified voters residing in their respective districts. t trr,r, r ma�ay i
<br />ral�rrr ° � "wJI7 ptYi'arosess ibe sa,ne as Hie ot0"Pe c ouwcfl ai,',Id' whro
<br />��U'r rirl I�ur a boria aura&vrr,tent of t e cif,"y�a r�auf';ah," be rr�tu.�,clll'ed illy r�'a7u`alPr,r�r°������� �r>r�ote ofall
<br />tlh e ryrr�a )1,,f1r,rr.t v t rm rrrr���trt'rJurtt h,? ffh,e c t`tyas a ugjflr'wJ1e,
<br />At the first regular meeting of the council, or special meeting if the same is necessary,
<br />after which votes are canvassed for each annual election held in or about May, including
<br />any runoff election that is necessary, the newly comprised city council shall elect from
<br />among its members fy. uw yM21iumj] �,iu mayor pro tem, [gacti of y Ott ur ftr�r,Nr shall serve at
<br />the pleasure of the council. The mayor pro tem shall act as mayor during the absence or
<br />disability of the mayor. In the absence or disability of both, the council shall designate a
<br />member as its temporary presiding officer.
<br />The members of the city council, � ��°trr�uwr�rrrr��.t the rrrrryorr, shall serve not more than three
<br />consecutive two-year terms, after which two years must pass before they are again
<br />eligible to serve on the council. Any unexpired term to which a member is appointed shall
<br />not be counted toward such consecutive terms rmtstrr tt �r ire ,,,r vice mrrr.,r rr�rm7wyuwr �.
<br />Members shall serve until their successors have been elected and qualified. rurr��eryor^°
<br />shall serve r"rr'r't nrklr,rr'e ttmr? thriNrriar tlivo j�,iear terNY'ru,,�u which htlo years
<br />rr"r'ust 1l:wss �"r�e a she is mrfg arab elif,,,lible to mrer'ro"r;r' orp tt"r/e rrourrrJcil aaa rP��m°�yY���rP,� Prior
<br />s, rrrice orr, the chly .r,Ntrall si°mt t`m Crrrorrrrted trrw�mrnnI tt°ae rrrraurycrrr 's C0r1SrrCr,r11W,,',1N
<br />terr"rPr,is. Tile rPrlrsr�rgtu�arrir shall serve urr�ttt tris or her ratirt)as br,iar,rl arrr
<br />rtr��ataJw�ro(1°ar"t�
<br />Sec. 17. Qualifications.
<br />Each of the'
<br />I'gL n MJ ��rYa� ht r�arrr�rrrtfrr�ar�ri �� ofttr e c or�rrcil shall be at least eighteen
<br />years of age or older, a citizen of the United States of America, a resident of the State of
<br />Texas for twelve months as of the deadline for filing for office, and ottmr, thr.aurrr rr;aJ1r()1r'
<br />a bona fide resident of the district in which he seeks election for twelve months as of the
<br />deadline for filing for office; and shall not have been convicted of a felony, been adjudged
<br />to be mentally incompetent by a court, or be disqualified by reason of any provision of
<br />any other section of this Charter or of Chapter 141 of the Texas Election Code. 7F"Jlfe6
<br />i,iirr[raj,,,eol be N,xirm Vrarrte //esmri'rtr irr )t wr''hdrir ttue of the �rurt't� unt�u�rturrrrrtr�
<br />muu'r; nths ars of ttri(*Vead� 11tr,rrrr 1'57)l'tr°i�g tt°err ci�fttce. A member of the council shall
<br />immediately forfeit his office if the member ceases to possess any of the qualifications
<br />specified in this section or in any other section of the Charter or while in office, ,ft,
<br />&!'ter;d thaw, e r r rrsaPdc tifve ii,,e tutarr wrvh,1°1 r1"wu f t s�rFng (), Car,rsed' by ,the udoa urwh),
<br />11
<br />