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said out of those fifteen, ten tenants complied and City Attorney Stephanie Harris filed five <br />lawsuits. Ms. Ellis also reported that once the lawsuits were filed, four of those tenants became in <br />full compliance and once they reimburse the City for filing fees, those cases will be dismissed. <br />Ms. Ellis said Dr. Peter Edenhoffer was in violation with regard to Hangar C-4 and that case was <br />scheduled for an eviction hearing on August 30 at 2:00 p.m. <br />8. Receive update on new hangar construction. <br />Engineering Tech Derek Dacus said that "Hangar U" was the next hangar to be built which will <br />be located next to Hangar 0 along the west hangar access taxiway. He stated that there was also <br />planned development for the North West corner of the current hangar access taxiway extending <br />west. He also said that engineering and design has started for the hangar access taxiway planned <br />for development to the north so that development costs will be a known quantity for any interested <br />party. <br />9. Receive update on the CARES Act reimbursement status. <br />Mr. Dacus reported the City had received the $69,000.00 funding and he was getting the items <br />together to submit to CRRSSA for $23,000.00. <br />10. Receive an update on the status of FBO/airport manager. <br />Janice Ellis said that Jerry Richey was not going to make the meeting but wanted to let them know <br />he had nothing new to report. Paul Strahan introduced himself as the new Airport Manager/FBO <br />for Cox Field and gave a brief presentation regarding his background. Mr. Strahan said he would <br />start in his official capacity on September l e <br />11. Items for future agendas. <br />Ray Ball asked for a monthly update on the hangar leases and a report on the Edenhoffer court <br />hearing. <br />Bill Allan said recently in the last month the runway lights were not coming on and that was a <br />safety issue. He asked if the City could look at this to determine a remedy. Mr. Dacus began <br />explaining and Mr. Path said they were getting off the agenda. <br />Scott Avery asked if Stephanie Harris could come to the next .meeting and let them know how to <br />comply with open meetings. He wanted to know how they could address safety flight issues. <br />Scott Avery said he would like an update on the new airport budget. <br />12. Adjournment. <br />A Motion to adjourn was made by Ray Bail and seconded by Scott Hearn. Motion carried, 6 ayes <br />— 0 nays. Meeting adjourned at 5:53 p.m. <br />