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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />Monday, February 15, 2022 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />Discuss and Consider Approval of the 2020-2021 Audit Report as Presented by Brittany Martin of McClanahan <br />and Holmes <br />Ms. Martin presented the 2020-2021 audit report to the Board. As of September 30, 2021, total assets came to <br />$6.6 million. The total liabilities amounted to $1.2 million. The total net position was $5.4 million with a positive <br />unrestricted net position. Ms. Martin informed the Board that the cash flow increased due to less business <br />incentives going out for the year. She continued by stating Land Development costs decreased with the final <br />land transfers of 2021. She also showed that sales tax revenue increased compared to last year and expenses <br />were up due to personnel changes and hiring of a replacement. At this point, Ms. Martin concluded her report <br />and Chairman Bray opened the floor for questions and discussion. <br />Following discussion, Mr. Roddy made a motion to accept the 2020-2021 audit report as presented. Mr. <br />Coleman seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 6 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />Discuss and Consider Approval of Resolution for Application of Economic Development Administration (EDA) <br />Grant <br />Ms. Hammond discussed the continuous process of making PEDC properties site -ready and the funding of <br />infrastructure improvements. Following the board approval during last month's meeting, the PEDC will be <br />applying for an EDA grant. The PEDC entered an Interlocal Agreement with the Ark -Tex Council of Governments <br />(ATCOG) to assist with the management and administrative services of the grant process. Additionally, the <br />Board approved EST inc. as the engineering firm of record to conduct the PER (Preliminary Engineering Report). <br />She continued by stating EST Inc. has completed the PER for the road and infrastructure improvements to be <br />made in the remaining acreage of the NW Industrial Park on NW Loop 286. The completed PER will be used to <br />complete the information needed for various components of the EDA grant application process. Ms. Hammond <br />asked Shawn Napier of EST Inc. to present his findings. <br />Shawn Napier presented a PER (Preliminary Engineering Report) draft to the board and gave a preliminary <br />overview of the renderings provided along with estimations of cost and scope of work. <br />Ms. Hammond concluded by stating that if the EDA grant is awarded, the PEDC does not have to accept the <br />grant. The grant is highly competitive, but she believes that the PEDC has a great opportunity at obtaining an <br />award. <br />Ms. Hammond made the recommendation for the board to approve the following through the proposed <br />resolution: <br />1. The Board formally authorizes the completion and submission of the EDA grant application. <br />2. The Board designates the ATCOG to act as the administrators for the grant, <br />3. The Board designates EST Inc. to provide engineering services for the process, and <br />4. The Board authorizes the Executive Director as a Representative to act on the Board's behalf on all <br />matters related to the grant, and <br />5. The Board authorizes the application for an estimated $ 1.5 million, with 80% of the grant would be <br />requested from EDA with a remaining 20% responsibility of the PEDC at $ 300,000.00. <br />