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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />April 7, 2022 <br />The City Council of the City of Paris met for a special session at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, <br />April 7, 2022, at the City Council Chamber, 107 E. Kaufman, Paris, Texas. <br />Present: Mayor: Paula Portugal <br />Mayor Pro -Tem: Reginald Hughes <br />Council Members: Shatara Moore, Gary Savage, Mihir Pankaj, Linda <br />Knox, and Clayton Pilgrim <br />City Staff: Grayson Path, City Manager; Robert Vine, <br />Assistant City Manager; Stephanie Harris, City <br />Attorney; Janice Ellis, City Clerk; Gene Anderson; <br />Finance Director; Richard Salter, Police Chief, <br />Thomas McMonigle, Fire Chief, Russell Thrasher, <br />EMS Chief, Andrew Mack, Director of Planning & <br />Community Development; M.A. Smith, Public <br />Works Director; Doug Harris, Director of Utilities; <br />Tom Hunt, Municipal Judge; Sandy Collard, HR <br />Director; Tim DeGelder, Library Director; Clyde <br />Crews, Fire Marshal; and Cheri Bedford, Main <br />Street Director. <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />Mayor Portugal called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. <br />2. Citizen's forum. <br />No one spoke during citizen's forum. <br />3. Discuss and provide direction on the FY 2022-2023 budget for the City of Paris. <br />City Manager Grayson Path said the goal for this meeting was for the City Council to <br />discuss, as a body, individual Council Member goals for FY 22/23. He presented the Council <br />with a copy of the Memo sent to them on January 24, 2022, and explained it would be helpful to <br />examine the goals on the list, and as a body select from among the list their priorities. He <br />reviewed the budget timeline with City Council. <br />Mayor Portugal said they would begin by going through the list of goals. They reviewed <br />the downtown list, as follows: 1) implementation of the downtown plan; 2) downtown lighting; <br />3) Grand Theater; and 4) downtown revitalization including neglected downtown buildings. <br />