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Section 2. That Chapter 4, Article 4.02 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of <br />Paris shall be amended by adding a new Division 9, "Property Maintenance Code," to read as <br />set forth in full in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if fully <br />set forth. <br />Section 3. That Chapter 4, Article 4.02, Section 4.03.004, "Building and Standards <br />Commission Established; Proceedings; Civil Penalty," Subsection (e), "Authority of <br />Commission; Civil Penaltly," shall be amended to add Subsection (3) (9) to read as follows: <br />"Provide notice, conduct public hearings, and issue orders related to residential rental <br />property maintenance as set forth in Article 4.04, Section 4.04.004." <br />Section 4. That Chapter 4, Article 4.04, "Residential Rental Property <br />Maintenance," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Paris, Texas shall be renamed "Article <br />4.04 Residential Rentals and Property Maintenance," and shall be amended as set forth in in <br />full in Exhibit B which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth <br />herein. <br />Section 5. That Chapter 4, Article 4.OS, "Vacant Buildings," of the Code of <br />Ordinances of the City of Paris, Texas shall be amended as set forth in full in Exhibit C which <br />is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. <br />Section 6. That Appendix A, "Fee Schedule," Sec. A3.004, "Registration of Vacant <br />Building," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Paris, Texas shall be amended as set forth <br />in full in Exhibit D which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth <br />herein. <br />Section 7. That all provisions of the ordinances of the City of Paris, Texas in <br />conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, and all other provisions <br />of the ordinances of the City of Paris not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance <br />shall remain in full force and effect. <br />Section 8. That the repeal of any ordinance or part of ordinances affected by the <br />enactment of this ordinance shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending <br />under or by virtue of such ordinance or as discontinuing, abating, modifying, or altering any <br />penalty accruing or to accrue, or as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section <br />or provisions of any ordinance at the time of passage of this ordinance. <br />Section 9. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Paris that this <br />ordinance and every provision hereof, shall be considered severable, and the invalidity or <br />partial invalidity of any section, clause, or provisions of this ordinance shall not affect the <br />validity of any other portion of this ordinance. <br />Section 10. That this ordinance shall become effective upon publication as <br />required by law. <br />