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a. The riling Process: <br />i. Prior to award by City Council, your firm will be required to log in to the Texas Ethics <br />Commission, lh� aa K � i��:, >.. �wie P:�� g a G; 1��:g� � ;�f.;.„!"fq,,n' rf,�j ..' �,.:..k 9m�°,and fill out <br />the Electronic Filing Application. <br />ii. Once submitted, the system will generate an electronic Form 1295 displaying a "Certificate <br />Number." Your firm must print, sign and notarize Form 1295. <br />iii. Within seven (7) business days from notification of pending award by the City of Paris <br />Purchasing Department, the completed Form 1295 must be submitted to City of Paris. <br />iv. Your firm will need to repeat this process and obtain a separate Form 1295 each time you <br />enter into a new contract, renew a contract or make modification and/or amendments to a <br />City of Paris contract. <br />b. Instructions and information are available at https://www/ or <br />you may call the Texas Ethics Commission at (512) 463-5800. <br />BY SUBMITTING A RESPONSE YOUR FIRM AGREES TO ADHERE TO HB 1295 REFERENCED <br />ABOVE. <br />Please Note: No action required until notification of potential award by the City of Paris. <br />12. Price is to be exclusive of any applicable taxes. The bidder is hereby notified that the City of Paris is exempt <br />from state and local sales taxes. The City of Paris tax exemption number is 1-756000635. A tax exempt <br />certificate will be furnished upon request. <br />Proiect Scove Overview <br />It is estimated that 4,500 linear feet of Curb and Gutter, 50 linear feet of WPA Curb and Gutter, 4,000 square feet of <br />Driveway Approaches, 2,500 square feet of Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk, and 200 square feet of Valley Gutters will <br />be repaired and/or installed during the period of May 1, 2021 through April. 30, 2022. Exact quantities cannot be <br />guaranteed or determined, but best estimates are as indicated above. Quantities may be increased or decreased to meet <br />the requirements of the Public Works Department during the period shown above. Minimum quantities are not <br />guaranteed. <br />5 ecifications and Reguirements, <br />Demolition and construction of Curb and Gutter, Standard Driveway Approaches and Concrete Sidewalk must <br />conform to the following guidelines and attached drawings. <br />1. Concrete_Curb and Gutter: All concrete used for curb and gutter in the City of Paris will have a cement <br />content of not less than 5 sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete and a minimum compressive strength <br />at 28 days of 3,000 pounds per square inch. The unit price bid for curb and gutter shall include 3 #3 bars of <br />reinforcing steel. All loose material between the form will be removed and the grade wetted prior to the <br />placing of the concrete. An approved curing compound shall be applied to the surface in accordance with <br />Item #6 — "Curing". <br />2. Concrete Vallev Gutters: All concrete valley gutters shall have a thickness of six (6") inches. Concrete valley <br />gutters shall be reinforced with #4 bars on eighteen (18") inch spacing on both directions. All concrete shall <br />have a minimum cement content of 5 sacks per cubic yard and a minimum compressive strength at 28 days <br />of 3,000 pounds per square inch. An approved curing compound shall be applied to the surface in accordance <br />with Item #6 — "Curing". <br />3. Reinforcin teel: All reinforcing steel used on this project shall comply in all respects to Item 440, <br />"Reinforcing Steel" of the Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets, and Bridges as <br />adopted by the State Department of Texas on June 1, 2004. Payment for reinforcing steel shall be considered <br />subsidiary to the various bid items. <br />4. C,pn9,rete Driyewa, 's: Driveways shall be composed of concrete having a minimum cement content of 5 sacks <br />per cubic yard and a minimum compressive strength at 28 days of 3,000 pounds per square inch. The unit <br />Page 3 of 25 <br />