<br />',.:.",,,,".,,.,..~:;,c.;c~.~..;..,;~c~,,_.,,",....,.c.,
<br />
<br />~;U!, IlIf' rr"I:L'~C::; p',r' II,ill! tn ~:{'rti(;liIO are p,lid trl r~-i Fe ,I,' "
<br />re: \!!', ' ( ~;\J' II! '<',U;I!tv U:-( Ii 11("
<br />
<br />i2,DU:AUL-f nil; (1':1 ::I:\lii ,j
<br />," "," I. tVc 'lt~; of I), 1,:l!\ 'i ':1 illl
<br />
<br />:1:' II" ()! ill()/(~ of 1111: f: \:Io\e,. i::~ I
<br />,!,'O( '\i\\';i dcf;Hllt h J("t:'tifi"
<br />
<br />i ;'I'! I;; ~, D',' i....".. ,', il) ;j'.'
<br />~.~TI <I', :,11': '."JI, ~n Ii,,' :,,-'11
<br />C:)I~ti!luiltic'll of ~;liI h j I:i~ r':~ fc'
<br />
<br />;ly I~(,II! rr 'J: I.,"
<br />
<br />
<br />'C (-' ' 1 ' (" , ~ ! \I < " i~
<br />
<br />(11))1
<br />
<br />i",- flOcl
<br />
<br />,i \'~, (1 I
<br />
<br />nlorc'
<br />
<br />,~t ''- ()ihi'~ trni', r:cvcn,mt (if C()[lditi,
<br />qUII,rl '(0:11 S':!n I-f, ii, \Ir ridp/ I~i:q\\l or 11\(~f(;tn
<br />':1,' In;I\\;I;ii; f' 'P':C: pf ,iI1',' '1:))'( ''''':II;lllorl
<br />
<br />iiJ) F,!;II:rc 1:,/ L_\< ',1'-' tl
<br />nfthi, ,-,c;rr':','I'-.l~', ~jn)'
<br />01 til> in, C( ::i:( iT!
<br />
<br />f;jiil)!f
<br />
<br />'-,,' il1 ;111' ::i ,;V(: or Iri ill ,. (j,"_~U:llf III C'I Cf'!-t:~
<br />)(j ~ if ( I! ,l[,,' \11' 1~1 iiflll'leci'Oll lIH;r!~V'/lth, \',.'h;t:~1
<br />in:JU:IJr 1\" ~;~I;)ii; '.Ji,'IIIUl (;r i; iH:iiod uf fif,et':) (1'.)1 d;1YS ur
<br />
<br />
<br />rl1')1 :dler:i )1::'
<br />
<br />fr:) F >U'i'; t,r tilt;., :It PI,dli!' .,111\' -'Piliic:::hir' :;:v,/ I' "L h;'(Olllil:'i
<br />iT,(j1\ II;ikil"l '11111;' "if :hi' 1]( ii'::'! ili I i:,ic ',::1',':
<br />;:I~;J \'.-"11 :i~1 IL; ill,Jh,lit/ 111 :::1',-", :k~.!:' .IS thl'''' ho.(:CI:'C' rJ:;" j;~:\I:1
<br />;j '/01: :dlY ;H~il: (irl (it ~!r~il;;,: iJd;u.:Lc', l;ill~iJupt or in,:ld,', I':
<br />':nd' II; (,11:\'''' S' :t{~. :Li!\~r,I;'1C',' (:():", n: <11'\ :,ii:-lil:'f fl'([( ',Ii c:r
<br />
<br />:~ t ;) ! ,~ '/,,' ;
<br />
<br />ill.'!i; l.e~" ':~u. witil:,,:;i (ty
<br />l_! ~;Sl
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />!Ii
<br />
<br />" I ' : c: 'I' ~; 1 d : \J t C ' i 1 \"/ (J r I' ~ 1 : ,! 'ill' "
<br />\:",'. C11',I"(',1 :-ouch p,i u'(,dill~1 or, \N!ti1111 ::I>dy (bDI '" ','
<br />I': ,qwn i n:T:cnt. \/1i11 huut I'",,; '~OI"I:;(,I1\ ('I;! ;q" (-,,;CCllC(; of U~':;~:,t~l;
<br />t,u ,:C(~. f, cr~iI:'r I)! liquid:' of L(':::~- (1' of ,':: (H .111\ ,:1
<br />p:,I; of It'l; p, ',p, :\;f;' ,f lie) '",,:(: ':,l!l 'TP'li!:I'
<br />
<br />;;::t!; 'Le, :':f: lI~ldr;( ;~il"/ 1)\!II~r :-)~F("'!l1C! " \",,,,'(:C:I: If" 'd.~f. 'I(!
<br />,(,C;" 1/" "~:to,.
<br />
<br />f\LrlLU)!F~S: : Jii I U', "'U;I (I' :',"1'/ l-v'~;lt ;d [J< 1,)1 '\]! f(
<br />';'i!tll.'(1, 11,;1'1' /,,1 1 I'K( ,'I: 11'/ c,'PI(T'!',,' 1;(1li'~ ;'i.:I: Ci,!""
<br />;,."; (,r I~, r;rr!11V tn f' I~'-'rrr' P' :1;)I:)';,Iii'1' ~)'/ I..{ :;':('f' III '!;r'. i ,ii, ,Ii,:,'
<br />I' 'I;' It'; ,lIld tUil'l' U( !ili:; '1)1' ::\ ;Jli ;11,\ ;i;'I~: (I ::"
<br />" ,-,1"1: ~~r:licd:,'!c, or to 1(:' -)__N~C Ie:;" '11') ;H1f1 :jll d,II~' Ices (lr
<br />"x;)(~n:~'-'; '/"i'!r.h r\JTF<," ';\uli h'I,>,I' -;;::,trlinl'<! 'i I"," : nj ~',' 'I l!i";;:lii
<br />;)r (111 ;J;V)IJI~; uf NiiC" li:I1IU'II,(,I":lof f:;I",,('(II\' iii Ir.:\I' !f'
<br />!'~)) 'Ni;:'o:J~ 1,011(.(: or r;':m;, ,d, d: ('dCi~tl tl"" I ~,~;, (,f 111,' flcr:c
<br />fJavnH~I!l,; 1!' lI:il(:',";' ''': \ii) 'n,i: ;:p"iir,1fil" h::,'i:' "1'1\ SC!,',
<br />vk, \vh!:':h,:u~jf:t!If.~i '.\'in, ;:11 H:::ilt -'IW ulh '::ou,il.s :hi~n due ~;!:i''''
<br />Df~COI~'" due ;:r:d d'-; liql,id~I(Cd d;:un; ~IC, :nrf
<br />'lot il~: prjl'l ,:hilli h,'Vf: ti,:!i:', to th" cxtr';)t p('lr,'I\tI:iI!;
<br />iaW:"i! to It sum~; so due 1hr::',~urldcl; {.o;! tn :ct;~h, illl:IW, :;j((
<br />pOSSCS':IOIl Cjf ,i!',V or ,!II Systf:l:lc' Wllh011' ;'IIY p~llCV;~'; of I:-Iv' ill-;e! :0:
<br />sJ"H:h jlurpc,' r; I~TfC 11l,;'{ (:11,(;1 Ui,()r; pru:,i::c:s WI"I'''-l; ;'flV ';llr~h ;::'V~;\(:'ll
<br />n,;Jy I,,: iue ,iled :'i'! !':r;l'l'/C 11',,' '''d1l1l) liH:I::[IOI;1 ",,-'it!1uut nu\i,:,'
<br />will-,n"- h 'IHJ liD!)!(' tl' l,(:,;sr', tlv'!efor, f'X(;l'j>L \;1,;, NTfT ,,11;1;' ill'
<br />liable fOI (:; ~)a~j(::s tc l;:nC!i!i!r~ plopr:'t'i ,,:HI :njl'rir,,: :(l ;W'S('!1~; 10 ti",
<br />(:xtcn! 'r;::ultin!j :I(;'~:i tl"", f;H:I! (J' ill'q:iq:'liU' III r-;:;C in iill\ ::cl,
<br />r:n11,/ j)f I'T';:;';I";';!UII, Iy,! '(j ~,I:il. !Cd',': ''I iltiiCi\V' di~;j1{1~:'-' ')f ,III
<br />any poniorl uf ;:111'1 SystCl1l, \.vitli the [/IVI:( ':e "~,I LH;ol:11'nq tilt, pu:
<br />chose' ;iv,~r!:'nf, at pllLlic fil- plivdtr; s~:Ic, rOI cd:,h (11 on cft,'rj;l (l11;!
<br />without J-,olicc of ;t::; 'nl(:)','OI1 to flu :'0 01- uf j'_s doin0 so il'l whic:!:
<br />C'Jent f','TFC ~;hali ::PI1:'/ the c;-ish prc,cccd:; ',vhich rnTC in bet :l~Ci.~;\..C','
<br />from the :;(1''-' or nth!.'1 l:i::pusi1ioI1 "! ~;!IIII ~~y:;ll'''' ,'d1t('1 (:'I'<lII,:i(l:l 1\'
<br />ali eXpC!b'~~ of ~;uch ~;:,':l; or otlle! di~;p:l?it!I)I," ,. ;1\ r'Hr:c's f:kc\,;u:
<br />the ;)I()~:(:nl value !' ;':counIL'rj iJtliJ', lH;r "r111um) of nil' ;11110\1 :t'
<br />pa'{:Ji;1c L:r,dcl (lll\/le;::;'~ or iJily credit Sif!r: 01 ,~I,ch ~)VSldl1 in, ,J t, 1111
<br />r,ot io c:>:C:t:cd tl.(: (::>:p:uiti():1 of \h'-~ ]('111I 0: (ill',' .~xh'i1~;inn tflelc(" 1:,11
<br />such ::mcn:nls to bL Uf~!f~d "PI-ucc;:rb" )ll:lc:naf:er:,. Ie,;'; ,)!! cosh Oil d
<br />expel,st':') iI1U:rI-cd in l:un(lr;c1ion witl1thc ICCO\CIY, I"cp::il or ,;tor:J~)I'
<br />of in)')' Sy~-;tcm ()I" ihe il,if1:;;wl:un il,~!",!f (cc;!:Cc1i\,dy "[xp('n':r'~; 'J. ::~:,~I!I
<br />ell! SIHlr; rill!:' !10m Lcsc:C(~ ;ind In the cxli:;: allif in th(' III,IIIIIC' P(:I-
<br />~nitied i)y i;,vv, I.R:;sec s!i:fll he li;:Jtlle to !-.!lTC fOI, ;md N1 rc mdV
<br />rC((J\/(:r frolll Lc~)sr~c, th:~ ;lJl\(llltlt by VI/hid: the 1'lutt\C'd~; :If ,)[11' !;LJcl
<br />tran,;Clction, less the appliudJlc EXPCji:-;I,,; is Ic,;s than n:1 SUIll~: due
<br />from L(~~;',;C(: und',::r the i'lpplicnblc Equip(1WT1t SchecJ:i:c: .':nd :1) 10
<br />;1I.Jr';IiI~ ;111Y I:till:r rC'Jiil:di Pl:llIli:tf:d liv ii:IN 1111': Iliil\', :illy \IIII' (If wllil:11
<br />NTFC 1Il.~y, ill its d;:;;:rr~l!()n. pxcrci,;!', in);] which ,;hall he dcc11lt~c!
<br />CUITIIJI;;,iv(' and may be f'x~rCIscd S~Jcr,(;::;sively (Ir CC'1clll-rcrilly,
<br />
<br />_:~:A:';::';'."",-,::~::'------
<br />
<br />.. :",'~l.'!',
<br />
<br />",~~.",~"".,,.,~,.~_.^.,~-_.,-,,~
<br />
<br />\tl'
<br />
<br />Lc~'srr. :~I1,lli r"imbur~:(~ NTf:C for ,lli co:;ts ;md exp~~~'~'f;S inc::rred I!:
<br />CUIi'li'C\iGII ,-,i',h tll\, enlOFCCI'lenl of any right DI- i'~~n:r:~d\' ',inde~ such
<br />[r;uiplr,l~n1 Schrdulc, incilJ(jin~] wi1hrw: lirnit;,:1ion (DUn cns,t,; ;end
<br />ICd~~0IlillJ!l' "U()[(lCYS' (1;(;:; E,(ccp! il:; set forth in this il;rr;:J~)(;q)h dl1ii
<br />to the; ext(~n! j)formiHcd by ,~pplicdblc in.....!. Lessee herel;y wriiv~s ;ill,!
<br />r'r:: t:' 110\'/ or !wrc,dtcl- cOilfcHCd hI' stiltlltc or o(h[~rwisc \'\!hir.h Ill]\,
<br />r,'II'III(: NrrC to sell, IricbC or Clhervvi,;c ck,posc of :~I1V Syst\~ITI il
<br />rilltlg;llion (11 ~:Tr:cs d;Jmi1Qe or which miiy othcr\I'/:~;f~ lin-,it or !1wd!f\
<br />i1n'l ell NTFC's right:-o Dr reTn8dic~;,
<br />
<br />f'v1ENT SHALL MIIKI: t~TFC L1,lI,l3LE FOR 1r\ICIDnn:,I, 0::\ CON~;F-
<br />OUtr\TIAL DAM/\CiE~; Of /",NY Nf\lur:;E \VH/\I~':;OEVt:P :::cn /\~\y
<br />
<br />1,~, TERMINATION: V/iill r,:spec: \C.I c;Jch Sy~,tcln, L ',~;sce's
<br />10 ;J rTWU 11:::: due for those f;SCdl p"lio(;s ,;ucc:ecdiIHJ u~,:
<br />St,',' s period:11 viLieh tl1c':1ppiic2hlr. C()fTi~ll('~lce1T1r'rlt Dds nc'
<br />e'lfl',,"! :jI(' Uilllw,qC:!it l'iHl1) Ic~]i:-;I()tivr: i'pprO!Jrl,i!IUI, Of d\1I)1(;I/;I' II'
<br />il,wds fe', thilt PUIPU~(', rlICi'cfo:f', Less!:!': n1il'{ terl:,inalp this
<br />rncn1 v,'ith fl;~,rwc1 t;J n:lt !r,:;~, 1!l"n an en::re ::=:"'r's\cn: cove~ed ]r
<br />Lm;:cment Sch(~dlli,~ c:fc;:tivc i1~; of the end of any' cf its fiscal pvi,,::L
<br />":(;c,~cdil,q :;uch fir:;: i;scdl period (th!~ "lC'iliin;ltio', [),:~tc"! hy nivilFI
<br />~Jii:C iJlld dilV sixl\, (EO) dBY~; pl:or \Vr;t;ei' I,otier:: rh'
<br />",rrnil",ation 2nd of Ih" loenlio! where the dPI:iliciJ!Jlc 5':151(;["[\
<br />maf llt':' fou!'d 0'1 q", rumination D.Cile,
<br />
<br />UI
<br />
<br />/\ oiJl;C;;Jtionc: ot ly~:~:('e tcJ r1l,jkc p"yn',(~nts ,LI; v/ilh cp~)pc:'(:t t>:)
<br />S'j <e':~-, ,lflu the dppliCi1lJlcJ T,crn:illJtion D;Jrc \vili cease ar:,d ;:,!: illte~-
<br />c',t,; c f Lessee inti.c illylic::bit; SystelYl \vill tern,in?lc. ~'kt\\!i!hstan('
<br />if1~) :~:t' f()lC~IOi'lU Les ~I'" \,11 shilli not so t!,r(llini1ti~ this ^\Ff;Cn1U'1
<br />\\<lh ','sped t(~ i1 Syc,:(:r Ck~,CTi!wd 111 ,Hl Eqll:P'11Cflt ~~C~J(';LJi,~ pu'
<br />s'.),,;,110 tl-1i;; provisiol', i; ;11'V f,lnds arc to Dr by Lr::ss();
<br />for 111,::, iiCqU iSl1in:l (by r; iF ',~h;i :;,' c:- iC,lSC) of the- [) ,- 1 u I'.ction ,11 I,.
<br />C;:;llil;l1 U:I.JlpmCI1! ;Jnl~ lH ::;Of\W;lIC cr cquipll,cnt '!nd,or softw~H'
<br />r" r~(:lrnil'q simil:H iJppiiult:Clns i:H1d f:\I"I)cf~clu'w-; filr the f;:~e;]i ~~,;c:W
<br />I" I::l~' ;tiolJ, (b) ~"h<;!llI';" its bf:st effon:" 10 obt. :n ii: ,);Oi 1:;;tIUI1 : 1 II'
<br />1'((,,' ,~,ll-Y fumh 10 :]Vord such wr:nin:Jtiu:, bli tak "u ;-1:' dr'u:-cpll,l','
<br />:<t fj!1 indiiC;i!lq t!lrc ir,ciw;ion irl LCSSf'P':;; hud/iE;' rent r,;! fOI
<br />I; 1! p{'~'i()d durill~i thi' ':\~;ICI~I11Ult TC'I~i c( J 'Cql" ~;I :,:lr ddr'lj', ;i;~
<br />f,l: "" II~l>:'l its cl,!i'..li ",I ":' Bnd tu cnntllHif' such ~:c":;p";C~l', SeliC":
<br />\;1,' 1 fun-:c. (c! shJil Ihl~ fJivc p,-ioril'l ur pnri:y i'"1 .-,(' i:Jppiiccniol'
<br />flll,d~; l{.1 ,Inv ()1hcl-llliIC!;;II\:~I!y ~;lmil,lI equipmenl ;'~'(! ur soft\Y;)rt: ;Cd
<br />I:~"J' Ii'\,' lhe' Lf;SSCC, :I!',r! idl if the I\qrt~el'icnt IS k' 'l1il'la,I~(; pUi~;u:n't
<br />tl) tll ,; ~:',"Clio:l, '.'Vith !" ';;wet 10 (I Sv~;tC!l' ,;l1i111 nol r~ its ;hr~11 ClIll"1
<br />0, ,~Llcc:r.;,~din';1 fiscal period purchdse, iC(l"c, rent. or other.,,>':::;e clcquil',,-'
<br />pquipnH':i1t illlrJ V :",oh,v,1I"(! perform!n~l :unc:iow; ,_::rni'iH l') tho>~'
<br />~;r:I;c.1'll~rd by ,;u<":l, Sy: '111, and shali ne'!. f'.:'Ktl,"'::;r:l;l;fr 1:>
<br />illOSf' pci'!;HrrH-:d thf) USI_~ 0; the to be [J(-",'()'il1cd h-.,
<br />"~}()I1, or ('IiLtV "v:ih or hir,~ri b'.' Lesser~, L,I:SSc;C rcplfc-
<br />s(;n\';, \.V;:1I1,1I11S and co'. elunts that it Ihj~, adcquilt,; ir..H1rj", to meet i1;~
<br />o!l:iqiil:n(!S rillril'q its c:ner,l fio;Cill peliod :Hld tfF:t it \v:!', h,lVC ;:elf'-
<br />1uat(' fu"r!'; tu :1'\C<;t iu; "LJII\>itio:1S \,".fit!l respect to Pdt:!: 5,/,;t[)rl) !JUI'I]'
<br />,:If' fisc; ! i'l:llud 111 v-,'I"c~l: the CGmrncnccmf,nt Dilte (if ,;lich S'/stC!"
<br />
<br />oce: I :~"
<br />
<br />1!~ PURCHASE OPTIOrJ 'vVith respect \0 blCh SvstCl~-: ,;c
<br />Lc~,:::ec is Ilot ill duf;nd, t c"ses \\':il ha";c the ri[i!1;, upon
<br />N'iTC ,'V'ith at Icast :;::>.:t,/ (60) dil,!s prior \,witten notice. to e,urchi1sc
<br />r<TFf..>:; ri(Jhl. titlc and ir:tcn~st in the Eqllipn~+nt and tlw So'tv,';or:-,
<br />li(;(,fL:i~ 'A'ilh Ic:;pect 1n :,uf:h S,!CitC'!li fOI the illl-)(HI.,t< O;~\ lev:!! accord
<br />!I!L: tc '1;1,1 rJl(),,:ic~,\d ill thl' i.1ppiicdhl(~ Equlr_~iT'c~')t Sc!H~dulc as th
<br />';"ch ;:-'(~ Op:ion f,rnounts 01 I..HOPltcd uy NTFC to the s!J!:\clfic CLS,('
<br />(if th( p,Jymcr,L N IFe "HI,;t receive s,:ch Put'.::h,:sr. Op'ciOI' ,{\."iOl:n,
<br />by :i1e specific dilte c:L'h!ishecL
<br />U1V)!i Lessee's exercise of its purchase option with respect 10 (J Svs-
<br />tem, r\'TFC will se:l, tI"iHI::;fcr ,md ,'!ssiqrl el11 of sLle\l l-iqh1. lit!.:~ {In.
<br />il:lcrcst in ;,lICll $YStCl"I1 to les~;ec on J-n !...S-IS, \!\/HUit_IS ll:-lSi~; JI:d
<br />NTFC Wlil relOiJSC it:-o seu:rity interc:-ol in ll1f, reidted [~quipr;w"t
<br />
<br />
<br />,lG,lNDEMNlTV: Lesscl' shdli ddend, indemnify (111;1 :;,iVC i1<l~-1l1Ic~;~;
<br />NTFC and its successors arle! as:,igns from and 2CFJ!:'ISt ',ilV Clawns
<br />C:lllsr':; of action. damClqcs, liiJhilitic:-o, costs fd" cxpc~rl~e:; (in.::ltldiI1!i
<br />witiwlIl limil;llioll (lll(:rI;I;Y'~: fiTS ;~l1d (:(l:;!~, in (Jll-q-IC(!;!lll (h'~fCW:iid
<br />which rndy be incurred .:. etny lniJlllWr by or fo:- the accounl of any of
<br />them (a) rc!atil1q to nli ::;y,:t{'rn~; or ;my pint \hr~rC'()f. iI1C!lIdil1~1 will~o\l'
<br />
<br />,.-------~~"-'----_.-'
<br />