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<br />lim!!;;liv' the U,,",:IUC\IOI1, P:lfC:!>;" cL,ij,.. "\', 11):i\;dl:ltiun. O\'\.'i':C:- <br />shi:), ~.:iI:' ')~ rc~urli uf :inv :~)V~';lCIl: iJI ilnv p;ii1. 111 L:H'C>f. or ;:;'; a r~sult <br />eJf th~ 'I: [11 !i,11"lli1ncc:, If-P:;;!, r"r,l; '~Ilicnl. u\)(~ri;:i()11 01 ttlf~ t:on- <br />di;ioll l:',Cr!'iJI j".'/h,:thu dell':.;;'; ;in' L'if~l1: Of (k:CI)Vcrabtc 1:y NTF-C or <br />by L'~:;::;! '-I. ::s ~i !! ,;1.I1t of ;:iri',' (le:; or nJl1i';~:ion cd :11(, LC:;~;I?';, or tel <br />iE; '-1 U~: JI', Cif el1Y cli!ims fw ~;tlict li,--hi:it,/ in lert lI'li1h re~;I1f:C1 1.0 ,HI\' <br />of t!w S ,";:~Cln~; <br /> <br /> <br />~1TC s!'lali net he II;c,,}( 11~;ihlc f( I' \1.0' (~(:il'/CI\', II~stalldti(Jn. rrilintc- <br />1-liJ:~CI' '::pcratic;n, sel\)i, or us'~ 01 iiI'\-, E:V,~kln ',)I fur i1ily ,:k!ay ir" <br />)~ In:,'"ic'-:uco'v of, ;HIV U! <1:1 of 1he fuil:( (",ill~ ~jTFC :;h:!11 l10t he <br />T(~SPO;'",:i~~>'~ fur i'f1Y d I,;;:: ;ncidcntcl or c()ns~:nul n;j~!i lo';~;,;s 0; di'ir);- <br />dqe::; rw;ultii C] ~ronl t: ii.-cry, lnsUliiltiur, rn:lintr.:ni:1llce, OnCriJtion, <br />s'-:rvice Dr ll~;!; of dn,/ (1r ()lh(~I"./:isc <br /> <br />:'0. APPlICf\8Lr: L!i'A: <br /> <br />:c-; I\q:( "Ill, 'Jt "I: ili ~f(; C[pvemcd hy the <br />ihc In:::; li;~til)l S Ie 1'- lo'call~d, f>\ccp: for <br />c:ordiict oj i ". <br /> <br />i2V./:'; of n.e ~;i"ti; ill Ir..hici, <br />its rules with re::pect to ;:w <br /> <br />,9, ENTIRE AGnEH,'lENT: 111i~ ACT' 'l~' n' (ind an\' Schedules tI'id <br />li(:c:rs h,,";to. (:orli:l tutl' ,)1(' e,,(I'C chi' \:'1 "1-;1 hctv",'p.t~:, rnTC: iHl:-] <br />L.ess!:" \',ith rc~ [)ect tt; ti;!? ,,1:1 ie:! I1plu I!'! :C! f ~!C'd SupcJscde u!1 <br />pff.!\'IOU:; j:!(lpn: i~I:~ "'.'ili,,'til \'Vl'::Wlci, cldv{;iti~/'- <br />mcnts, ;11\(! !illdv:;t;.: 'Ju_q' ,v il,I,IIi'C vvhiJ\SUC\''''1 <br /> <br />r~r' :191:11: c:"pl()y!:" (}' ICi, i~.';I;I'id11\",f 1.< <br />h:'ld NTFCto ci:I'/ 'i1ii'I;I;"~'r)l, r('!itC" ':'d:'; <br />iLl'( Sy: tH;I,; i lIl;!"Sc llell ;lffil i~li', '('1 <br />1:; 'iPC{ :ii,;; IIV il:i i,!t);;d tll!: 1\' iI"" >,,' <br />i;/ ie,,;r'i' <br /> <br />; l I)'''' :1I1y (;,J1ho:ilY \0 <br />Ui V."lrfi1nty COI1C(}rrllilq <br />1I;'J~n:(ltion, 0: ,..,:[r:':,1)' <br />',I .! :,. (': (,'IU; ill.: <br /> <br />NOTICES <br /> <br />d, fl' <br /> <br />'"tll{" <br /> <br />fuii, <br /> <br />"nil "" <br /> <br />'I))IC:I!.II'I" .;li,llll)(' <br />Ito 'J ,:1:UltjOl~ [):I'f:eWI <br />, ill', i( :' I! i'" i (1I ~; 1I ( i i <br />.: 1,1,/ i II: ~:,J!' II L:', :11 iy <br />:1'.' r~fiLc:C':: shill: i),- "'i-It <br /> <br />t r a tl S I ]' ; t t " {I i {: \', r It: 1 ~ I ' <br /> <br />r);(.';' <br /> <br />:.Jf' <br /> <br />~ rip" i i" '( )11';' <br /> <br />Ir" <br /> <br />;1.'; i!l.' (: <br />"'(II('ol! <br /> <br />;IV I" <br /> <br />';;,! : '/ ~:.-: t <br /> <br />f{diii <br /> <br />(J'J"";.r <br /> <br />,Ii Jr, <br /> <br />~;U brnl:t, <br /> <br />0: < <br />Mili! " :i'l <br /> <br />-;1.;1 1,;';1' I <br />I'd (Ill....... l\::iifi, <br /> <br />pust:i()" j,r' <br /> <br />i p: rUi '. 11:~;1{~r! <br /> <br />ir~ WiTI\'E:~;~ \\iilUiUj!, i~-," P;H1iv; I, ' '[,;, <br />iJuthori/(>.:i <br /> <br />"-'~~'., <br /> <br />21. !31NOING Nt-\.TUHE: ihis /\~lrccmcnt Sh3ii flC <br />inurp. to the bcntfit of NTrC arid Lessee and their <br />sew; ;!nd ,J::;siUlis !includinn nf:y ;;ubscqucnt3ssi<JI1CC <br /> <br />cilY.lIl:J Iii <br />suce' <br />e,: 1I1/\ssi~)iH>:). <br /> <br /> <br />22. M1SCElLANEOUS: <br /> <br />\(1) \'Vi!h f(~spccl to Ci:lcn SysL:rn, Lessee will perl,'rn, ail of its obli- <br />(lations purSlI;:mt to the <lpp!icah!e Purchase Aweemcnl, 25 dp.finec' <br />in the i1pplicablc Equiplnent SchedL'iF-" e:<ccpt as rn',1.jified by the <br />applicable Assignment, at Le~;sec's ,:>oie expeilse, 3nd in a timel\' <br />rnBnner. <br /> <br />(b) Except to the c>\tcnt thill this /\qrecmcnl Jwrl ~il,S NTf~C: to tAl; <br />posse~;si()n ilnd control of anI,! System, ilnd/or move nny such System <br />from its Inst;lllation Site, l.essee wiii zt all tirnes durin;] the a,)piicab!c <br />Terrn keep such Systelll in il~; possession ,~t~cJ con;r'oi <1l1d 11(.,t j)crrni: <br />f'llCh :;y$tCI;1 to be nlOved from its 111s,iillati"n Sit(: without ,he pri(lI <br />written approval of 1'-nr::c. which Clpproval shall f-rot be '.mr83S0,.db:" <br />withheld, except tha1 the fOr!;;joinQ ['cS1rictions :;hail not apply to ,in', <br />Eqlliprnent or Software which is replaced '/vith i;qU!VJ!ent or' bettc <br />Equipment or Sofh'\!3rr by SUpph~I or D f,1aintevlnce Ornani;:iltic.'I, <br />pursuant to a f1li3in:eniHl',~e ccetlact as described in Se,~~i'__)1\ ~j. <br /> <br />(c) ,C\ny changes to this ^nrcernent requcstec; eithf!I' by L"c;see or <br />r~TFC Shdli only beccnlc effective if mutually agfl?ed upon in wrilin~l <br />by duly i'luthorizcd rCprC!if:ntat.ivcs of the pnrtic,:" helelo. Thi" r'\~rt:c <br />ment ~;hall i10t be modified or ar,lcnded or ;]ny .igl;ts of a party to i, <br />~'vaivcd, except by ~;\:ch writing. <br /> <br />(ell r:al!ure by eithsr parLe 2t ar,',' time to require pedorrna:lcc by the: <br />ether PMty, or to ci"i:l1 ,1 hreach of an\-, provl::,ion cd th:s Agreem2rl! <br />~ha1J not be construed ,E 2ffectinfJ ':lIly subseql;cnt breach orthe riqil" <br />to require perforniJJlU~ m to cia,'rT1 Cl ;)reach \':ith u~~;pcct '.h;:~reto. <br /> <br />if;) Section hc:ndin("js alT in~ic.rted fCH convenience only 2nd sh2il net <br />be USF!d in Jny ~v;:)y to czmstrue the tc,rns of this 1\:;r';81:'I' 'i <br /> <br />U) Lessee shall deliver;o NTFC (] coov of Lessee's rn()~;t rf:(-"rl\ i1udi\(~d <br />tinanci;lJ stil!!;rIWnt i1ftcr :in,! rcccip'\ ~)f;.l rp.quf'slllwrrfnr {r01T1 iHrC <br />(g) If: the ,'v'~nl tllnt Le::;~;'"8 f;jjis to payor perro!:p iV',y obligatiol) <br />under this AWU;r\iCf',t, N1TC lTi3'r', at ilS OptiO.l, f)8y 01 PCrfN!Tl said <br />obliDilliofl, ~lnrJ ,mY' PZlYI,WI,t 1"i"1;lllc or O:pC!l;;e inClined by ['Hie in <br />connection therewith ~;hidl bq dU:J 3nrl payabir: hv lesse" upon (1" <br />m:ll~lj hy NTrc. <br /> <br />(hi In'li,dly capitalized t ;rms <br />the nViJflinil'; thercfo:- ,.,:t ((11th <br />Equipment Schedlile. r <br /> <br />forth in this/\~Ii'C(;I'ilCnt sh:'ii have <br />in ;his !'-\qn?erneilt 01' the t1ppl'lc;;bir, <br /> <br />",'(c "'il:;' I] ~f, ,r.,cr""I1;C'lt to be duly executed b,/ their rcpre~;entatives being the,eunto duly <br /> <br />:JORTHE:r"\iF:i -UHv'i !T\'/',r,iCT (:()I;:'oru\1 iC)i~ <br /> <br />;iY <br /> <br />T I TIE <br /> <br />DATE <br /> <br />City of Pari" c <br /> <br />~~'~CE~#;;ff~"~-~_ _~~-~~~_____ <br />{ <br />vTIIU . CHYJ'lanag[<I' <br />,/ <br />DATE: ~._~.~D.?~l},.. <br /> <br />1985 <br />