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TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE <br />When requested, the City shall provide technical assistance to groups that are representative of persons of low - <br />and moderate -income in developing proposals for the use of TxCDBG funds. The City, based upon the specific <br />needs of the community's residents at the time of the request, shall determine the level and type of assistance. <br />PUBLIC HEARING PROVISIONS <br />For each public hearing scheduled and conducted by the City, the following public hearing provisions shall be <br />observed: <br />Public notice of all hearings must be published at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the scheduled <br />hearing. The public notice must be published in a local newspaper, or posted in 2 public places, or posted <br />on the city's website and one public place. Each public notice must include the date, time, location, and <br />topics to be considered at the public hearing. A published newspaper article can also be used to meet this <br />requirement so long as it meets all content and timing requirements. Notices should also be prominently <br />posted in public buildings and distributed to local Public Housing Authorities and other interested <br />community groups. <br />2. When a significant number of non-English speaking residents are a part of the potential service area of <br />the TxCDBG project, vital documents such as notices should be published in the predominant language <br />of these non-English speaking citizens. <br />3. Each public hearing shall be held at a time and location convenient to potential or actual beneficiaries and <br />will include accommodation for persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities must be able to attend <br />the hearings and the City must make arrangements for individuals who require auxiliary aids or services <br />if contacted at least two days prior to the hearing. <br />4. A public hearing held prior to the submission of a TxCDBG application must be held after 5:00 PM on a <br />weekday or at a convenient time on a Saturday or Sunday. <br />5. When a significant number of non-English speaking residents can be reasonably expected to participate <br />in a public hearing, an interpreter should be present to accommodate the needs of the non-English speaking <br />residents. <br />The City shall comply with the following citizen participation requirements for the preparation and submission <br />of an application for a TxCDBG project: <br />1. At a minimum, the City shall hold at least one (1) public hearing to prior to submitting the application to <br />the Texas Department of Agriculture. <br />2. The City shall retain documentation of the hearing notice(s), a listing of persons attending the hearing(s), <br />minutes of the hearing(s), and any other records concerning the proposed use of funds for three (3) years <br />from closeout of the grant to the state. Such records shall be made available to the public in accordance <br />with Chapter 552, Texas Government Code. <br />09/01/2020 <br />