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0 <br />No= <br />400 West Sherman Street, Paris, Texas 7WG-tAA6 <br />Healffi Mstri& (903) 7854561 and Fax: (903) 737-0978 <br />Women, Want and Children (WIl (903) 784-1411 and Fax: (5 13) 754-144 " <br />rxloln <br />Paris -Lamar Counly Board of Health Regular Meeting <br />The Paris -Lamar County Board of Health held a regular session on Monday, May 23 rdi 2022. <br />Board Member's Name - In: Attendance Not in A - fte I nd . a n—ce <br />Ms. Susan Bellene X <br />Dr. Myers Hurt III X <br />Ms. Mitzie Pirtle X <br />Dr. Russell Putnam .am X <br />. . ...... _..........m. <br />Dr. Marc White, Chairman X <br />Dr. Ross Williams X <br />Ms. Susan Davis X <br />Others in Attendance were <br />Gina Prestridge, Executive Director X <br />Cheryl King, Administrative Assistant X <br />Convene into Open Session <br />Dr. White called the meeting to order in open session at 5:32 p.m. Dr. Myers <br />Hurt, 111, made a motion and was, seconded by Dr. Walker Putnam to, convene <br />into open session. Motion carried. 5 yay's, 0 nays. <br />2. Mit ie Pirtle made a motion and was seconded by Dr. Putman to approve prior <br />meetings minutes. Motion carried. 5 yaiys,, 0 nays. <br />3. Dr. White signed the request from Marty Scott for a public information request on <br />3470 Tigertown Road and from Ecollilab for food safety routine, follow up, <br />complaint, COVID-19 compliance inspections. <br />4. Caressha Milton has been certified through CDCto inspect the public poolls and <br />spas for safety inspections for the Health District., <br />5. Dr. White signed the approval letter to request grant funds from the St. Joseph's <br />Community Foundation. <br />6. Mrs. Prestridg,e advised the board that the City of Paris and the County of Lamar <br />has agreed to pay $10,000. from each entity to help offset some of the cost for <br />our patients for services that we cannot provide, such as x-ray, ultrasounds, <br />certain labs, medications, etc... <br />7. Mrs. Prestridge advised the board that this will be the last year that she will be <br />eligible to apply for the DSRIP grant. Mrs. Pres,tridge advised' that PL HD will <br />receive the funds in late Juily. The grant is based off the number of HTN patients <br />and colon -rectal screening. <br />8. Mrs. Preistrid'ge advised the board that the health district was awarded" a NACCHO <br />Paris lzmar County Board of Health Menablers <br />Oraipvu ir pi I)r, Mairic, lcmte Vicill 4"haft,molan M" wallm- Pitallain 'na", "a, n- Seico'eltz?y , Susa it Bel I evie u—, mu ln,,o <br />tw Ross "'101, Nil ats �111116 11,W 1,11X- 1,, "0 Mitzie Plill 2— . ... ... q Dr, Myers 11ul In w, am_m�, aoia,_-, stman [XlAs mn 4,011 �0.11,11!,,,,Ij <br />