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<br />PARCEL 10 - LEWIS A. CARRINGTON AND WIFE, LEE OLA CARRINGTON <br /> <br />Being a part of a small tract of land, same being Lot 2 <br />in Block 257-D located within the corporate 1 imits of the <br />City of Paris, situated in the Hiram Williams Survey, Abst. <br />No. 1003, conveyed by R. G. Burdine and wife, Alice June <br />Burdine, to Lewis A. Carrington and wife, Lee Ola <br />Carri ngton, recorded in Vol. 541, Page 692-693, of Deed <br />Records of Lamar County, Texas. <br />BEGINNING at a point, said point being the existing <br />Northwest corner of said Carrington lot, said point being <br />the existing Southwest corner of Lot 3 in Block 257-D owned <br />by Harve W. Dulaney and wife, Edris D. Dulaney, said point <br />being the existing Southeast corner of Lot 5 in Block 257-D <br />owned by Billie I. McKinney, said point being S 8go 54' E a <br />distance of 29.9 feet form proposed centerline survey <br />station 45+35.49 of proposed Collegiate Drive, said point <br />also being N 890 54' W a distance of 136.8 feet from the <br />existing Northeast corner of said Carrington lot; <br />THENCE S 890 54' E along the Carrington-Dulaney common <br />boundary line a distance of 15.1 feet, a point; <br />THENCE S 000 16' E a distance of 74.3 feet, a point, <br />said point being in the existing South boundary line of said <br />Carrington lot, said point being in the existing North <br />boundary 1 ine of Lot 1, in Block 257-D owned by Harlow S. <br />Redding; <br />THENCE S 890 45' W along the Carrington-Redding common <br />boundary line a distance of 15.4 feet, a point, said point <br />being the existing Southwest corner of said Carrington lot, <br />said point being the existing Northwest corner of said <br />Redding lot, said point also being in the existing East <br />boundary line of said McKinney Lot 12; <br />THENCE N 000 02' W along the Carrington-McKinney (Lot <br />12) common boundary 1 ine a distance of 74.4 feet to the <br />place of beginning and containing 0.026 acres, more or less. <br />