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Regular Council Meeting <br />July 25, 2022 <br />Page 4 <br />plan called for an Arterial Roadway Classification and the Development Staff Team and the P&Z <br />found this classification inside the loop to be unrealistic and unnecessary. <br />Mayor Portugal opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak in <br />support or opposition of this item, to please come forward. With no one speaking, Mayor <br />Portugal closed the public hearing. <br />Council Member Knox inquired if there was any plan to smooth out the curve in the road <br />and Mr. Mack said there was not. Council Member Savage asked about the difference between <br />Clement and the Loop. Mr. Mack said Clement was a Collector Street which made it easier for <br />developers. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Savage and seconded by <br />Council Member Pilgrim. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />19. Discuss, conduct a public hearing and act on an Ordinance considering the petition of the <br />City of Paris for a Master Thoroughfare Plan Amendment from a Major Arterial <br />Roadway to a Major Collector Roadway on S.E. 3" Street/FM 1497 S. Church Street to <br />County Road 12600. <br />Mr. Mack explained that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of <br />this City initiated change to the Master Thoroughfare Plan, as did City Staff. He said staff <br />reviewed the plan in relation to a new proposed Sugg Subdivision along S.E. 3`a Street recently <br />rezoned by the City for new duplex construction. He also said the current plan called for an <br />Arterial Roadway Classification and the Development Staff Team believes this classification <br />inside and outside the loop to ETJ is unrealistic and unnecessary. Mr. Mack said it would have <br />negatively impacted the planned development of the subdivision site now planned for two <br />duplexes so it was recommended that the roadway functional classification should be reduced to <br />a Major Collector requiring a lesser right-of-way of 60 feet which was consistent with the <br />existing roadway right-of-way width currently at 70 feet in width. <br />Mayor Portugal opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak in <br />support or opposition of this item, to please come forward. John Foster, 3442 FM, he said the <br />map was not confusing but the wording was confusing. With no one else speaking, Mayor <br />Portugal closed the public hearing. <br />Council Member Savage inquired how this item came about. Mr. Mack said it was a <br />result of rezoning and platting. Mayor Portugal asked if traffic would be impacted and Mr. Mack <br />said it would not. Council Member Savage said this was a very active road and asked Mr. Foster <br />about his concern. Mr. Foster said he was concerned about annexation. Council Member <br />Savaged inquired of Mr. Mack if there were builders pushing for these changes. Mr. Mack said <br />several people spoke against it but they were confused. Council Member Knox wanted to know <br />if this was not approved would it negatively impact the duplexes that were already approved. <br />Mr. Mack said it would because they would need to get an additional five feet. Council Member <br />Savage confirmed if this was not approved that nothing would change. Council Member Pilgrim <br />inquired if the City had any decision making over signal lights and Mr. Mack said no, that <br />