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07/19/2022 Minutes
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07/19/2022 Minutes
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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />Tuesday; July 19, 2022 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />The amended bylaws are provided within the board member packets for review and approval, along with the <br />City's resolution. <br />Dr. Hashmi made the motion to approve amended PEDC Bylaws as presented. Mr. Terrell seconded the motion <br />Vote: 7 -ayes to 0 -nays <br />Presentation and Discussion on 2021-2023 PEDC Plan of Work <br />Ms. Hammond began a presentation on the 2021-2023 Plan of Work. Ms. Hammond opened the presentation <br />by explaining that per the PEDC's bylaws, the Board is required to approve a Plan of Work on an annual basis. In <br />the previous year, the Board approved the Plan of Work for 2021-2023. As such, Ms. Hammond stated that this <br />presentation will cover the progress made in relation to the priorities established by the Plan of Work over the <br />last year. <br />Ms. Hammond stated that there were three notions to consider: First, economic development has changed over <br />the last couple of decades. You cannot focus primarily on attraction and recruitment. Second, most net new jobs <br />come from your existing businesses and startups, and finally, we need to prioritize working with our existing <br />businesses and industry and help them grow. With these notions in mind, the Plan of Work established seven <br />strategic initiatives that have guided PEDC activities over the past year. <br />Ms. Hammond explained that the seven initiatives were as follows: First; business retention and expansion, <br />second; attraction, and third; cultivating an ecosystem for entrepreneurs. Fourth; supporting workforce <br />development programming, fifth; managing and expanding the community's land and building assets, sixth; <br />encouraging a unified vision for Paris, Lamar County and the PEDC, and seventh; exploring internal and external <br />funding mechanisms. <br />Ms. Hammond then began discussion over key activities that were pursued to meet the objectives set through <br />these initiatives. Key activities included, but weren't limited to, the Business Retention and Expansion Survey, <br />the Branding/Identity project being done in collaboration with the City and the Chamber, the development of <br />our land inventory through new land acquisitions and purchases, and the aggressive pursuit of leads provided by <br />the Governor's Office and other sources. <br />Ms. Hammond concluded the presentation by stating that our activity has supported the development of $20 <br />million in new annual payroll, $37 million in new capital investment, and 400 new jobs. She thanked both PEDC <br />staff and Board members for the time and effort that they have expended to meet these goals and opened the <br />floor for questions. Chairman Bray commented that the report was well done and made note to thank the <br />Council for their assistance as well. Ms. Hammond added that the Plan of Work is a fluid document, and while <br />we would be adjusting our priorities over time asked that the Board approve the new priorities as provided in <br />the packet. <br />Mr. Coleman made a motion to approve the 2021-2023 Plan of Work with the amended priorities as presented. <br />Dr. Hashmi seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 7 -ayes to 0 -nays <br />Convene into Executive Session: <br />1) Pursuant to Section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code to (1) discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or <br />financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental <br />body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the <br />governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a <br />financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision (1), to wit: <br />
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