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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />Tuesday; July 19, 2022 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />• Project Rocket X <br />• Project Red Oak <br />2) Pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code to discuss and deliberate the purchase, exchange, <br />lease, or value of real property. <br />3) Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code: 1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, <br />evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee: or 2) to hear a <br />complaint to charge against an officer or employee. Personnel. <br />Chairman Bray convened the Board into Executive Session at 5:54 p.m. <br />Reconvene into Open Session and Consider Action on Item(s) Discussed in Executive Session <br />Chairman Bray reconvened the Board into Open Session at 6:43 p.m. No action was taken on the items discussed. <br />Discuss and Consider Approval of the 2022-2023 PEDC Budget <br />Mr. Coleman began discussion over the proposed 2022-2023 PEDC Budget. Mr. Coleman stated that the <br />estimated income for the 2022-2023 fiscal year would be $1.7 million. He mentioned that this was the same as <br />last year's projection and explained that while it is likely that the income this year will likely be higher, with the <br />current economic climate presenting a possible recession it was decided that a conservative approach would be <br />best. <br />Personnel expenses were increased to $299,750 from $260,300. Total administration expenses were reduced <br />from $123,750 to $110,800, partially due to moving line items for industrial park maintenance to another <br />category. Marketing expenses were kept the same at $130,000, making the total operating expenses $540,550, <br />a slight increase from the $514,050 from the prior year. Next on the budget, total job training was raised from <br />$25,000 to $50,000. Chairman Bray asked Mr. Coleman to explain the change, and Mr. Coleman stated that the <br />Workforce Development Board requested the increase, and as other regional EDCs increased this item in their <br />budgets, we have raised ours respectively. <br />Mr. Coleman continued by discussing the total direct business incentives, which was reduced from $1,722,000 <br />from last year to $1,519,000. Most of that total is reserved for American SpiralWeld, which is anticipated to <br />qualify for a $1 million incentive payment in the coming fiscal year. Other projects are also included, with an <br />additional $100,000 set aside for a potential new small project. Total debt service was set at $194,992.64, and <br />new industry projects was set at $135,000. <br />Mr. Coleman concluded by stating that our total budget expenses have been set at $2,439,542.64 against a <br />revenue of $1,700,000. This will create an estimated shortage of $739,542. Mr. Coleman reiterated that $1 <br />million is going towards the incentive payment for American, and while the budget shows a shortage, we've <br />actually done quite well. Ms. Hammond added that our total budget expenses appeared to be down and was <br />asked when the American item would come off. She said that it should come off in the fall and would be the last <br />incentive payment to the company. Other projects, such as Blossom Aerospace and Metro Gate would be <br />coming off in the next few years, and even with projects such as Rocket X, we are expected to start building cash <br />again, which will be free to invest in other projects. <br />Chairman Bray opened the floor to additional questions, and seeing none, thanked Ms. Hammond and Mr. <br />Coleman for their work on the budget. <br />Mr. Fendley made the motion to approve the proposed 2022-2023 PEDC Budget. Mr. Roddy seconded the <br />motion. <br />Vote: 7 -ayes to 0 -nays. <br />