retail or commercial development along Hwy 82. Staff recommends approval of the
<br />rezoning to Commercial.
<br />The public hearing was declared open. With no one else speaking the public hearing was
<br />declared closed.
<br />A motion was made by Austin Anthony, seconded by Francine Neeley to approve the
<br />zoning change. Motion carried 6-0.
<br />13. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat of the Sugg Addition, Lots 1 and 2,
<br />Block A, LCAD Property 71599, located at 2296 SE 31d Street.
<br />Andrew Mack states the applicant has submitted a preliminary plat in order to subdivide
<br />and develop a previously unplatted parcel. Engineering staff recommends approval with
<br />noted conditions:
<br />1. The title block notes 0.56 acres; however, a note in the plat calls out 0.548 acres. This
<br />discrepancy should be addressed (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV, (4)).
<br />2. While a measurement from the centerline to the property line was provided, the actual
<br />roadway centerline was not. Please provide roadway center line on the plat ((Chapter 9,
<br />Exhibit A, Section IV, (5)).
<br />3. Provide a reference for the called 70'3d Street ROW (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV,
<br />(5))•
<br />4. Please provide a vicinity map so this addition can be located (Chapter 9, Exhibit A,
<br />Section IV, (5)).
<br />5. Please show additional trees that appear to be closer to the front of this property
<br />(Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV, (6)).
<br />6. It appears that the line shown for the 20' access and utility easement and 10' utility
<br />easement are centerlines. Please make this clear on the plat (e.g. centerline 20' access
<br />and utility easement) (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV, (6)).
<br />7. Provide appropriate bearings and distances so the 20' access and utility easement and
<br />10' utility easements can be located on the ground (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV, (6)).
<br />8. Proposed is misspelled for each easement (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV, (6)).
<br />9. The rear yard setback -for 2F zoning is 10'. Update accordingly (Chapter 9, Exhibit A,
<br />Section IV, (9)).
<br />10. Provide a bearing and distance for the eastern boundary line (Chapter 9, Exhibit A,
<br />Section IV, (9)).
<br />11. Provide the correct approval certificate on the plat (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV,
<br />(14)).
<br />While not required on the preliminary plat and not covering all items required of the final plat,
<br />the followings items were noted during our review of the preliminary and plat and should be
<br />included on the final plat. -
<br />1. Easement to the west of Lot 2 ((Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section V, (7)).
<br />2. Ownership information for the properties to the west ((Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section V,
<br />(7)).
<br />3. Label internal lot corners and bearings and distances of internal lot lines ((Chapter 9,
<br />Exhibit A, Section V, (7)).
<br />