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boundary and the dedicated area for ROW (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section V (9)). <br />A motion to approve the final plat with conditions was made Sims Norment, seconded by <br />Michael Mosher. Motion carried 6-0. <br />Consideration of and action on the Final Plat of the Warren 174-A Addition, Lot 1, Block <br />A, LCAD Property 16781, located at 1202 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. <br />Mack presented the item to commissioner stating that engineering has reviewed the final <br />plat and recommends approval. <br />A motion to approve the final plat was made by Austin Anthony, seconded by Francine <br />Neeley. Motion carried 6-0. <br />9. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat of the Park Place Addition C1398, Lots <br />1-6, Block A, LCAD Property 15470, located in the 1100 Block of NW 7th Street. <br />Mack presented the item to commissioners stating that engineering has reviewed the <br />preliminary plat and recommends approval with the following conditions: <br />1. Lot I is a corner lot and should therefore include a 25' setback on 7th Street just like it <br />does on Henderson Street (Chapter 9, Exhibit B, Appendix Illustrations) <br />2. Any trees over 19" diameter should be shown (Chapter 9, Article 9.07, Sec 9.07.004) <br />3. Park Place is an existing shopping center and plat. The title of the plat should be <br />changed to avoid confusion (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV (3)). <br />4. Sidewalk will be required on the west side of Lot I along 7th Street (Chapter 9, Exhibit <br />A, Section VIII. C & I). <br />5. After the approval of the preliminary plat, submit construction plans for the proposed <br />water line along Henderson Street (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section VIII.J) <br />6. Provide a preliminary drainage plan (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV (6)). <br />7. On the final plat, provide a reference for the 7th Street and Henderson Street ROW <br />(Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV (5)). <br />8. Oncor has requested a 10' utility easement be shown along the entirety of the inside of <br />the property line with the bearing NO°05"W (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV (9)). <br />A motion to approve the preliminary plat with conditions was made by Michael Mosher, <br />seconded by Austin Anthony. Motion carried 6-0. <br />10. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat of the Asay Addition, Lots 1-10, Block <br />A, LCAD Property 13823, located in the 1000 Block of Pine Bluff Street. <br />Mack presented the item to commissioners stating that engineering has reviewed the <br />preliminary plat and recommends approval with the following conditions: <br />1. Asay Addition is too similar in name to the recorded plat Asay Properties <br />Addition (Chapter 9, Exhibit A, Section IV (3)). <br />2. Please show and label the parts of NE I1 th St and NE 10th St that are north of <br />