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06 - Boards & Commissions - Minutes
City Council
Agenda Packets
October 10
06 - Boards & Commissions - Minutes
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10/6/2022 10:17:44 AM
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seconded by Commissioner Coyle. Motion carried. <br />Cheri Bedford received an updated COA for HD-1 property located at 32 W. Plaza. From <br />Bailee Nickerson and Lydia Fitzgerald. Originally the applicant sent over a minor COA. <br />Since they are replacing a door structure, a new COA was needed to be completed. A wood <br />door will be put in, the design standards require a single pane not a divided light pane, and it <br />was confirmed Bailee will be using a door with a single pane. Other than that there are no <br />other issues regarding the updates provided in the COA. On the minor COA there were <br />comments on adding shades or tinted windows, and that will not be added. Only shades on <br />the inside will be allowed. Sconces will also be added but they will be following the design <br />standards. It was suggest that they should find one's that are similar looks to the one's in <br />early 1900's. A motion was made by Commissioner Dux to approve new COA, it was <br />seconded by Commissioner Coyle. Motion carried. <br />Cheri Bedford and Ryan O'Carroll presented about the proposal for the adoption of the Pine <br />Bluff/Fitzhugh locally designated district. They outlined the importance and the impact of the <br />district if it were to be created. The PowerPoint also included comparisons from the Church <br />Street (HD -2), which is a locally designated district here in Paris. A neighborhood of Pine <br />Bluff/Fitzhugh was notified in the mail about the first public meeting, and it was said to be a <br />successful meeting. Rental registration will apply in the event if Pine Bluff/Fitzhugh if the <br />historic district is adopted. <br />Commissioner Coyle and Cheri Bedford went over the NAPC conference they attended. Said <br />it was very informative, regarding art, and mural projects. Salsa in the square could be a <br />possibility in future downtown events. <br />Hearing no other business Chairman Dux called for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner <br />Emmite made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Matthews, Motion carried. <br />Meeting dismissed at 5:05 p.m. <br />Y <br />.......�.....����=......,2022 <br />w.. Chairman Dux <br />
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