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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />September 26, 2022 <br />The City Council of the City of Paris met for a regular session at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, <br />September 26, 2022, at the City Council Chamber, 107 E. Kaufman, Paris, Texas. <br />Present: Mayor: Paula Portugal <br />Mayor Pro -Tem: Reginald Hughes <br />Council Members: Shatara Moore;.Gary Savage, Mihir Pankaj; Linda <br />Knox; and Clayton Pilgrim <br />City Staff: Grayson'-, Path, �', City Manager; Robert Vine, <br />Assistant City Manager Janice Ellis, City Clerk; <br />Gene Anderson; Finance Director; Rich Salter, <br />Police Chief; Andrew Mack, Director of Planning & <br />Community Development; and Clyde Crews, Fire <br />Marshal <br />O ening Agenda <br />Call meeting to order. <br />Mayor Portugal called the meeting to. order at 5.30 p.m.. <br />Ik <br />2. Invocation. <br />Finance Director Gene Anderson gave the invocation. <br />3. Pledge of Allegiance. <br />Mayor Pro -Tem Hughes led the pledge. <br />4. A. Proclamation proclaiming October 5d` as World Teacher's Day. <br />Mayor Portugal read, the proclamation and presented one each to the representatives of <br />Paris ISD and North Lamar ISD. <br />B. Citizens' Forum. <br />Don Wall, 340 CR 32050, Brookston, Texas — he said he had a place in town located at <br />248 2nd Street S.W. and presented a letter to City Council. <br />Ruth Ann Alsobrook, 208 5' S.W. — she said she was supportive of the new trash <br />schedule but that the neighbors were leaving their trash out all week and it was blowing in her <br />yard and in the street. She also said she called the problem into code enforcement but had not <br />received a response. <br />