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If Proposition D is approved by the voters on November 8, 2022, Sec. 43 of the Charter will <br />thereafter read as follows: <br />Section 43. Departmental divisions. <br />The work of each administrative department may be distributed among such <br />divisions thereof as may be determined by the city manager, andthe city manager <br />may establish temporary divisions. <br />Proposition E <br />Proposition E ballot language shall read: <br />Shall Sec. 48 of the Charter be amended to provide that the City Manager isnot required <br />to cause copies of the City budget, to be copied and distributed to all interested persons? <br />If Proposition E is approved by the voters on November 8, 2022, Sec. 48 of the Charter will <br />thereafter read as follows: <br />Sec. 48.Budget a public record. <br />The budget and all supporting schedules shall be filed with the city clerk when <br />submitted to the council and shall be a public record for inspection by anyone. <br />Proposition F <br />Proposition F ballot language shall read: <br />Shall Sec. 49 of the Charter be amended to provide that the City Council shall fix the time <br />and place for a public hearing on the budget, but is not required to do so at the meeting at <br />which the budget is submitted, in order to reflect current operations and policy? <br />If Proposition F is approved by the voters on November 8, 2022, Sec. 49 of the Charter will <br />thereafter read as follows: <br />Sec. 49.Notice of public hearing on budget. <br />Thecouncil shall fix the time and place of a public hearing on the budget and shall <br />cause to be published a notice of the hearing setting forth the time and place thereof <br />at least five days before the date of hearing. <br />Proposition G <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />