<br />
<br />This Agreement is entered into by the Texa::; Historical Commission, .:.l State
<br />Agency, hereinafter referred to as the Coumlission, ,::Iud ~~c.i~~-.I~..Ll2:.J,s~__~,_..
<br />Pari~_'J'l'X;:lS , !Jcre-inilfCer referred to as t.hc; Contractor,
<br />pursu.J.nt to d grant m~det-"Qth~rexa~n-I!istorical COTmnission for Fiscal Year 19~_/l,
<br />by the U.S. Department of the Interior, NationaJ Park Service, under the provisions
<br />of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (P.L. 89--(65) for the purposE>s of
<br />conducting a statewide inventory of cultural resources.
<br />
<br />THE CONT1{ACTOR, in consideration of the hereinafter mOIlcti1ry sum to he' paid
<br />by the Commission agrees as tollows:
<br />
<br />Sec. 1. The Contractor 5ha1] undertake d survey of histurical re:::;ourcc~s of
<br />Paris , Texas, in thl' follOiving county(~ies)
<br />Lamar __, pursuant to, and in conformity hTith the
<br />provisions of the letter of agreement from the Commission to the Contractor
<br />dated April, 18, 1984 ,a copy of which Jetrer j,~-; attdched to this Agreement
<br />as At tachment III and incorporated herein for all purpo:;;c'_s, and in conf orm-i. ty l,.li th
<br />the Project Proposal submitted, by thC:'. Contractor to the Commission ~g~_~~t 29, 1984
<br />
<br />Sec. 2 It is agreed that the Contractor shall be an independent Contractor
<br />for the purposes of this Agreement. The Contractor shalJ not be.' considc'r(~d Lhe
<br />agent, the servant, or the employee of the Commission for any purpose whatsoever.
<br />The liabilities of any kind arising from the per[orm:ll1CC ()( the contr:lct-('d \>JlJrk
<br />covered by thi~-; .I\gr~crnC'.nL Dlld all Appendices L~]lCL'('lU :In' Lh~ rc,'-;pousibili_ty u[
<br />the Contractor.
<br />
<br />Sec. 3. In the performance of the survey and nominaLion as dCscLibec.l in i\t.t.Jch-
<br />ment III, the Contractor shall utilize tile currellt forms in use l)y tile Commission as
<br />stipulated in Attachment I, "Nationol i-~cgistcr Survev Cllidl'line~;," and sh,:dl [0110\,J
<br />the Secretary of the Interior's StanlL~~j~~ Llnd Cuidl'li~~~_~ [or Jdenti,ficariun, Evalua-
<br />tion, and Registration (Attachment II). The Contractor may use a 41Tx511 or 35mm for-
<br />mat camera for the photographic documatation of each surveyed site. The completed,
<br />legible survey forms, negatives, index sheets and two seU; of contact sheets shall
<br />become the property of the Commission upon completion of the contract. Attachment [,
<br />Appendix A, illustrates the survey form and Appendix B illustrates the 35mm index
<br />sheet, which shall be employed in fulfiLllnent of said contract. Tile ])rofessional
<br />hired by tIle Contractor shull proofrcac] ~lld illitial_ :111 tIle typcJ survey forms. All
<br />forms must be approved and certified i1S being complete hv the Commissio;-l prior to the
<br />fulfillment of the contractual obligat:ions. The Contr;:lctur must also provide thc-~ lo-
<br />cation of each recorded _site, clearly delineated on CSGS 7.5' maps c'r ottler Inaps
<br />deemed appropriate by the Commission. Tile Commission will provicle the Contractor with
<br />all necessary USGS b3se maps. Prior to the final pa\!ll1cnc, the Contractor ~;h:lll ~"ubmiL
<br />to the Commission a report on the survey proce,':)s as outlined in the Secretarv or the
<br />Interior's Guidelines for Identification and National Register and ot-her hi_~-t~)ric---'-
<br />designation recommen"dations follm.Jing the Secretary (~r tJll', IntcLL()(' s Cu~dcJ_illes for
<br />Evaluation (Attachment II). The ContcH:tor .':;h-;-T-r-~-~j-;~'(~)---;='1.0)-111Tt-t-o-L-I~l-'-(~-1~r-I;l-7:,'~~_-Lon~- a
<br />Nation::d. Register Multiple l{esourcc Numinatiull, 'V,jhich folLuws the rE:'commcndations of
<br />this final report and meets the~_~~rp_~:lr_Yuor___~~.hC' rn.r~\ric))_l~_~ ~;(,':l1d:lrd~; :ll1d C:ll_j~d(\lj)H'S
<br />for l\cgiStLlt ion, as ",,'ell ;IS ll1c CUlllmi .';.'; j ()ll T ,. ,'I L:1I](!:ll-d~;- ,I-lId .I-',uLdl'L(I;c'>;. Ill-j~; ~~Il()ll Ld
<br />include the completed nomination lexl, ;1.'::; apprc1vcd hy thL.' COlllITli:J.'-;iol1, m:lps indicating
<br />the loc.:1tion of each property b('illf~ llCJI1lin;ltC'd, drld SlOxlO'l black ,1!Hl ",;ldLc photograph.':;
<br />(2 copies of each print) of all of thQs1.' sites, as ,,~rel] d.'; '351mB culor slides of
<br />
<br />