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EXHIBIT A <br />AGREEMENT APPORTIONING EXTRATERRITORIAL <br />JURISDICTION OVERLAP <br />This Agreement made and entered into between the CITY <br />OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, a municipal corporation, acting by <br />and through its Mayor, Joe Graham, duly authorized by <br />Resolution of its City Council, attested by its City Clerk, <br />H. C. Greene, and approved as to form by its City Attorney, <br />T. K. Haynes, hereafter called PARIS, and the CITY OF RENO, <br />TEXAS, acting herein by and through its Mayor, attested by <br />its City Secretary, both officers being authorized to act in <br />the premises by Ordinance of its City Commission duly <br />adopted, hereafter called RENO, agree that the following <br />facts exist and are true: <br />1. The City of PARIS is a home rule city entitled to <br />an extraterritorial jurisdiction consisting of all the <br />contiguous unincorporated area not a part of any other city, <br />within two (2.0) miles of its corporate limits under the <br />provisions of Article 970a, as amended, Revised Civil <br />Statutes of Texas, the Municipal Annexation Act, hereafter <br />called Act. <br />2. The City of RENO, Texas, is a general law city and <br />is entitled to an extraterritorial jurisdiction consisting <br />of all the contiguous unincorporated area, not a part of any <br />other city, within one -half (0.5) mile of its corporate <br />limits under the Act. <br />3. PARIS and RENO are situated within such proximity <br />to one another that their statutory extraterritorial juris- <br />dictions overlap one another. <br />4. PARIS and RENO recognize that the apportionment of <br />the extraterritorial jurisdiction overlap between the two <br />cities would be difficult because to do so would involve a <br />determination of the respective populations of each city on <br />September 1, 1963, the effective date of the Act; increases <br />in population of each city, if such increases raised the <br />