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MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />107 EAST KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS. TEXAS <br />THURSD <br />__AL,SEPTEMBEjL, 6-7-021. <br />1. The Airport Advisory Board was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Scott Avery. <br />Members present: Scott Avery, Jim Bell, Ray Ball, Bill K. Allan, and LeAndra Maughon. City <br />Representatives: Council Member Linda Knox, Janice Ellis, City Clerk; Skylar Unger, Deputy <br />City Clerk.; Stephanie Harris, City Attorney; Gene Anderson, Finance Director; Derek Dacus, <br />Engineering Technician, and Paul Strahan, Airport Manager. Members absent: Scott Hearne, and <br />Zachary Ebbs. <br />2. Citizen's Input <br />No one spoke during the citizen's forum. <br />3. Consider approval of minutes from the meeting of August 19, 2021. <br />A Motion to approve the Minutes was made by Ray Ball, and seconded by LeAndra Maughon. <br />Motion carried, 5 ayes — 0 nays. <br />4. Receive Report from the Airport manager. <br />a New Airport Manager/FBO <br />Airport Manager, Paul Strahan, stated that the turnover process is going well and he is getting <br />familiar with all of the day-to-day operations. <br />9 Transferring Accounts from. previous Manager/FBO to City of Paris <br />Mr. Strap an stated that there are several. accounts that need to be changed from. JR Aviation to The <br />City of Paris. Ile is working with AT&T to keep the same phone number and fax number, as those <br />have been listed in an Aviation directory for several years. He also stated that they wanted to make <br />the switch for the phone, fax, and internet on the same day to avoid any service interruptions. He <br />went on to say that he has spoken with Trent Reader with AvFuel to check on the process of <br />switching the fuel accounts over, which is going well, but is a slow process unfortunately. <br />o Underground Storage Tank Training <br />Mr. Strahan said that he is not very familiar with. underground storage tanks, and this is his first <br />time ever dealing with them. There is a good amount of paperwork that he needs training on <br />regarding the QA & QC process, as underground tanks require more attention that above ground <br />tanks by TCEQ. <br />* Update on Airport Runway Lighting Issue <br />Mr. Strap an stated that the lighting regulator has been ordered and is not scheduled to ship from. <br />Ohio until the latter part of this month and unfortunately this process cannot be sped up. He can't <br />get a firm installation date, since the exact arrival date of the regulator is unknown. The NOTAM <br />