<br />j. PART II_Automobile Ph'
<br />InsuraIlC(' Plan.
<br />
<br />I Damage COV('I.1j.?;t' ;\<, fllrtfwl d,'fllH'd III i~
<br />
<br />L'\~I i\.\llnicipa\ ~)lllp('rl'i "l,il-
<br />
<br />k. PART III-Properly COV",,\~e. Th" r'''"I'"'hl'n,,,I' I""I""'Y I 111"',11:1' ,I., 1""lwI ,!.-I""d 'If 11".1 MI M"nlf '1".1
<br />1'lOpt'lty Sl'lf-Imur.lIHl' Pl.lIl.
<br />
<br />\. TML MUNICIPAL PROPERTY SEt F-INSURANCf PLAN. nw doc\Ji'llt'Il! Ik11 ,>('1'. f()rth in ('XJcl df'lail lh('
<br />coverages provided under Palts II Jnd Ill.
<br />
<br />111. PRlMIUM ;111<1 CONTRIBUTION. lh('d \1111'1\ h.lIll~",lh\'r ill "Oil\(' p,ll!'. Illllll'. 11l11'llo( ,Ii ^f',l('('1l11'1l1 "\'l('-
<br />mium" is used to identify the rating lorn,uL\<; ('<,tabl;shed by the S1.1h' HnJrd of In<,W,lllce, which are used (1<,
<br />guldel,nes 10 establish Fund Members' cash ",nlribuli,,", to tl1{' Fu"d Aoy ,d",!'nce .11 any time In Ihh
<br />lnterlocal Agreement to an insurance term not ordinarily a pal I of selt-insurar1u' "hall be deemed for
<br />convpniencc only and i<; not comtflll'd .1<' being contrary to till' "t,]f-II\<,ur,JnCi' {onu'pl CYCl'pl wh('f(' the
<br />context clearly indicJtes no other possib\t~ intprprelatiofl "lJ( h ;1<, but not limilcd 10 the re!ccerH e \0
<br />reinsuranc('
<br />
<br />n, REIMBURSABLE DEDUCTIBLE. As respects Ih(' fMt Municip3lli,lbililY ,;(.\f-In';Ul.lnc(' Pbn, the dmounl paid
<br />by Ihe Fund Ihal wa, ehoSl'n by thIS fund Member 10 I", ,lpplll "bll' 10 11..- "l'l [11on"" l"lid bv Ih.. I u"dlO dIPr I
<br />iudgment or setli<'nll'nl of any el,lim 0' SI,IIThe fund Heml..-,, upo" nOlil"all"n 01 Ihr' "lIon laken. ',hall
<br />promptly reimburse tlw I und fo, ,';1", slllh P,lil ollh,' dl'.iolllhl.. ,olioonl a', h,l'. [",e" p,,,l! hy II", I und
<br />Furttwl, however, thp Fund's (lblig,\tion to pdV dallldg('..,i),d! hI' ..utJll'( 1;0 llH' Lllllil\ of LidlJilil1 "t,jH,d ill ,hi..
<br />lnterloral Agreement I('~s the stJH'd d('duclible ~HrH)llnt
<br />
<br />o. SERVICING CONTRACTOR. )Olll1'>lJIl S \ 11~!:IIl" (ll 1 t'\,l'" ll'"
<br />
<br />p. STANDARD RATE. R,lIe iI",t ",lclern,inl.dln applyinh Ihl' '."p"'''''',., morl;!''''1 01 ",li h indrvlrluallunrl
<br />Member, where applicablc, to the Il1JllUJI r;ll("
<br />
<br />2. In considelation of Ihe e,en,tion nl tl\iS Agreen""lI hy ,olil I"",>,.'eo Ihe ,\kmlwl ""d IIH' Fund and 01 Ihe
<br />contlibulions of Ihe Memhe,.llw in5<O,U"" "lelll." h II", ,"'1.'",1><'1" ,dlolrl"d ,,,,o,dln!, 10 ilw II'I'm 01 IMI
<br />Municipal liabilily Self-lnsl>I,,,"" 1'1,ln eflHI ilw 1 Mi \11"HI '1',';1" 01".'" "1,11 11>',,,, .,," I' \,1,,,, I Ill' """ ",.>>Ive 1.1<-< I>>",
<br />by the i\1t'll1bcr in Ihi" A~:ll'(,!lWllt (ktl'1111111(." tll{' dPplir ,lhilllV \>1 il)" il,ilm'.'II'i' ( d\'('I,Il',t' i',I]l<,
<br />
<br />Part I -lIJbi\il)' CO\C(;lge
<br />Cornpr('ht'n\I\'l' Ce\1l'r;lllidbillt\ Cll\('I,II:I'
<br />Cnmpl('hen"Iv(' A\Jl(lfl10hilv ll,dldl!) Ctl\('ldj',\'
<br />Pel <;l)l).1I In)ul y \ i,lhillt\ ( oVt'f .1\,,('
<br />frror" ;\nd Omis\iol1<; Lldhi\it~ C()\{'fdgt'
<br />
<br />Coverage Addendum I
<br />
<br />Non-OWIWd /\irn,lII1 i;\hiIIIY C()V(,Ll!~t'.
<br />Hi.lngJlkecpers liability Cov('r;l!',l'*
<br />
<br />Part II - Automobile Physical Damage
<br />Pan III - Comprehensive ProperlY C()vl'r(l~e
<br />
<br />-These coverages are provided through;1 blank.et insurarlCi' polin by dl(' <'1'fI,H,ing (O!\lr.lctO!
<br />
<br />Each Fund Membel a~lee' to adopt and ,"Tel" Ilw tOVel,ll''''' I>lOV'5<O'" '!'rim, condllll"" ,.,. lu'>>"" ,]ml
<br />limllalions as lurther Plovlded fOI in Ihe TM\. Municipalliab'[IIY Seii-ln">I,>I"" Plan allll/o, 11ll' TMl Mu",,'p,,[
<br />Property Self-Insurance Plan ,)nd/ol 'pI'ellilally illOdilied hy 11ll' 1"".\ ,\\,'n,[>I'I'" Inll'IIOI,,[ A"ri"'nll'''' 11",
<br />"Herlocal Agreemenl ,h,dl be con'truI'd to IIHOlpOl'(Il' IIw IMI M,,"" 11",[ 11,,1,,[,,\ \elll"',(II,II" ,.1'\,,,, ,11'.\/01 1Ill'
<br />TML MuniCIpal Ploperty 5ell-1 n,ur,(nce Plan and ,my ,(dde"d,1 10 Ih" IIIi," b ,,I.\,:II'I'''ll'>>1 "1",II,,,r 01 Iwt I'hv'" ,'[Iy
<br />attached hereto.
<br />
<br />3. It is ul1t!l'rSlood that by p,l1tidptaing inthi" _,I'l1_ill<,UldIKt' IHI>'\!() (,'.I.' Ild~Jillt\ ('\!'iJ'!Jll' tIll" IlJll(j Mt'llll,(.r do!"
<br />not intt.'nd to waive any of the immunities that it<; ollin'r" or iI', ,'rnjl\('~('("; now poc,',,"sTh(o .und I\ktnht'r
<br />recognizes the Texas Tort Claims Acl Mid ils lirnitJtif>r1'> 10 ({'ll.i:l, ~;()\('t;11!d'nl,d lunctlon" ,1\ wpll d" it', rT\Ol1f'LHV
<br />limil<ltions and thaI by expculing thi" .-q..:r{'('nwnl <11)(''' 1101 ,lgl('l' h' "\\:,1;:\1 ;!l()\(' lio\it.ll1on<, Tlw Fund M"int)('c.
<br />upon th" execllllon of Ihis "gll'I'lllcnuhtlll qll'ply IIwl u"iI \',111>., I <II >l'nl' <<I', ," "'.1 h,HII'1 I""'''HH'' 0' ""I''''''H I'
<br />Ihal st'" OIlt 11'l"'I"H!'nH'nt ,1Q" 1IH' ,"""IH" "i d.""" 'sIH. I,.. .1" ri i,n IV' 11,.1,,111', II.IHH H'H',II", ",,',1"".1 .q'"H",' II Ii
<br />the Fund Melllber does 110t have such .111 ordindll( c pruv!,,:(-'II \:':,!: ',l.ihll,i'"", ,I "1'1 Illlldll'l 01 (hy" ()f tl it hd<; dl1
<br />ordinance provi<,ion \vhich IHovidc<; i()l mOlt. !h,lll H) doll''' III':" I' ::i(.: lll"j ,".\,'mll(,1 ,q',I\.(" 10 ,l(l\lfll dil (lfdlll,IIHI'
<br />providing for no mOIl'.' than 60 Ibys notl, t' I('d',nn.dll\' cie..cr il1inf, t hI' ,I,dl' ;!:,' ('! 1111\11 Y t lainit'd dnd ilH' tl!1H', n :,lnlH'r
<br />Jnd place of the incident from which i! C\tl)"(', -The Iloti( e i'.'11l1 ,.LI, I: ;1! i;,\t hI' CkHq~(.d hv tlw 1 \:r1t! h1f'lll~H'r
<br />without fir<,t giving the fund 30 ddv~\','riltt'1l nutlCt' \:(ILlll()' ,I i; ,," ';1"', ,:( th'.! I ;',;1 di,,( 1I'\iOI1, -,.oid lhi~
<br />IntPlloGll :\greenwI11.
<br />
<br />IZ,. 10 i fj'l
<br />