<br />,
<br />,
<br />4. The term {l{ this-Contr;:lCl <,h '> for a term C'ommt'ncing 12:01 ,l.m. Oil rIll' d, cJl";igll<ltf'd in the [)pcLn;\lion..; (If
<br />[his Agrecment and terminating 12:01 a.m. October 1 ,198G; un Ie"..; !Il(> ',;I lll, , I'" ',UllH'r !crrnin<J!ed hy 60 dJY<' written
<br />notice of int('nt to If'rminalP by either party unit'"" otlWfWi<)(' "pl" died lUit!t'! Ifw h'rrn" ;lnd ;lgff'l'rT1I'nlS of fhi..
<br />ContrJCl or by lhe ByIJ\.vs of the fund. Tht' i lJ!ld will 11,1V(' tilt' I igh! I;) I t'lllli!\.!!,' (hi., .1I;r t'('1lH'1l1 (Jllly for d M('llllwr'"
<br />noncompliance with paragraphs 3. 5. 7 and 10 or the ~und's intlbd'l\, to rnaillt.lin Ill{' provi<;iOfl\ in paragrtlph 6.
<br />
<br />5. Commensurate with the execution of this agrecment Jnd annually fht'ft'JflC'!. IIi(' r und Membcr slldl! completc the
<br />appropriate application form(s) and new annual c-nnllibutions ~h;dl be c;;lUI!dt('(L IntPntional or reck Ips,> OIi-;qa!p-
<br />menlS made on the application form shall be grounds L.H cancell;Hion. nIP lAp', ('stabli"hed by the S!ak BOJfU of
<br />Insurance shall be appliE'd where prJcticJble to dlrivC" at a manu,11 premium
<br />
<br />As respects the TMl Municipal Liability Self-lmurJllCe Plan. if thp fund Mi'mh"f has ('Sldbli<'lwd, l~ltough ('xfwri-
<br />eneE'. a modifier, then {he experience modification shdll be used. \I',,{w1'(, ;lflpljcJ.bll'. 10 arriv(' at lhe '>landaI'd
<br />premium to be paid by the fund [\"Iember. In Ihe llbspnn' of ;l!i (',n ncd l'xp('ri('!lcP modification for tni' FlInd
<br />M('mbpr.thr mJnllJI rJIl' ;\<. pqabli\ht'd hv lfll'St,llt' Bo.Hd of In\lll,lI]((' ill (.ftf'l! ;It IIII' Ll'~~irlllinl: of (';li fllutld YI',lI
<br />will be lJst'd "" d gUide to produce .1 llla11 llJ!, ,I'> well d') a ){,lIld,l!d, I. Of1tll(IUliun. for (hu',,' c(Jvt:ra!-;p,> tor whic-h Stdtf'
<br />HOMd of InslJranc(> rateS;H(' not plOmulg<lled or for r,ltt'~ thdt art' filed tOI .ifl~Jr(1\'al by' !h\' i~'-,IJing in<;\IrMHI' (Jrrif'r,
<br />r.ltt'... ')h.lll he dl'\'i'lllpl'd h\!lll' furH!. rill' hind rnoddi('J .,h,dl !11('11 ill' .I:)l'lll'd to Ih(, ')I.lnd;nd Pll'rlltiHtl III prodllCE'
<br />111(. ,\Jlllu,d cnntlibull0l11h.ll !Ill' fund 1\kndH'r ...h.dl p,lY 1(1 !Ill' 11111l!
<br />
<br />/\, rt'Slweh th(' TM! Municip;d PlOpl'ftv Sl'lf-Irl'-,ul.liH l' 1'1.111. I.~l\'" '.il.::1 lw d('\'l'lo!ll'd 11\ 1l1f'!cllld
<br />
<br />The fund Memher agrees 10 pay the ,Inllual contribtJl;Ofl to Ill(> fund Jrll'qu,;I monlhly ill".tallrrH'nh, in JdV,H1U',
<br />commencing at the beginning of this agr{'ernent, with suhsequent installment', due the firs! of each month
<br />thereafter, provided that if the payable annual contribution shall he IPs" than $';.000. it shall be payable in equ.d
<br />quarterly installments, in advance, commencing ilt the bC'ginning ~li (hi~; ,lgleprnf'nt, with subsequent ins!allm(,Flts
<br />due thf' fir~! of each quartef t~wr('aftPr. In additiun, the Fund Member .Igu',", to pay ,111 reirnbur"able dcdultibl('~
<br />upon receipt ot S1i'!temcnl.
<br />
<br />Al the end of e,lCh ;1 nd p\,pry Fund Year, there "hJII be submi:!f'd [1\ : h(, f Ilnd 1\-1(<mh(,1 the' aClual eLl(,l "hown on the
<br />Jpplicat ion form as reflected by the oooh .lnd re(ord" of II", r '.llH: '\ 11'm!wr! fl(' Fund [(',('rv(", thl' f II--~Il! 10 dud!! lflf'
<br />rt'colds of ;J1l'r' f LJnd Member and adju',l, ()ntribllllon~ tlcc()rdiJ1~;h
<br />
<br />In the event that tfw Fund !\,1('i1lbcr tails fir [('fuse\ to 1ll;,h,1' IrH' li.fyr!]"I)i., <1LltJdifli~ dccrued inkr(",t J<' herein
<br />provided, the Fund fCSPin'" the right to It'f1nin;1le such hmd rv\('n1b(.! h' t,;:Vif1f~ :heflll('f1 ('H)) day\ wrillerl noti( e and
<br />(0 coJJec! any and all.llTlOurlh Ih;l! .lIT ('.1 r I)('d pro r;lf;llor thE' !ll'ri(),! ill {'( 1'{ II[ II', ' 'lIli!.]( 1 Il'r mirl,] [inrL III hl' ,lilHllJllt\
<br />o\^'('d, incllJdnl~ rt'irnbulqh!c d('du\.llbl('~. 11.l\,('!o 1)(' (0111'\ It.d !)\- 'lIil Ifll' i llrill f\1(.,'ilH'1 ,1~~II'('\ Ii) P;iY dll{Jf!l('Y',
<br />fp(>s Jnd co'-,h if1C\HI(~d In '-,lJch "uit
<br />
<br />6. The Fund ~hall nt,lint.lin ;ldequdli' PI()!t'c1i(l[) frnrn t .ll,j,,!rophii II)' . ro p! 1;1('11 II" lirl,H', 1,11 inllTrrl\ '\g~~r!')'.,I1('
<br />proteC1ion ...hall also he m'-lint,lined to in<.1Ht' th,il Iht' ,\-\eml'/'r "I'"dl ,i! I :U1W 11(' ,l~'.(","'t.d 111(' r\11'InfH'r;~
<br />['(H1U ibutinm "h;1I1 be 11f111tt'd 10 tll.1t dll)()lllll .IS (.iI, uLll('(! under tI" ,,:~r IT!!:('ll1
<br />
<br />Subje-n to thc provisions of tht' foregOIng p.l1'dgr.iph dw !lo.m] rt W!Vt" tht. fi\~hll() .ldjlJ\1 tIll' lirHIHi,r1 jHO(E'ClIOr!
<br />outlined abovj~ (0 m;1intJin lhe fisCJI 'rwndrll'ss nf Ill(' rund
<br />
<br />7. The Fund has COn(f,lCled with Ill(' Servicing Conlr;J{ tor 10 \lJpplv 10',., ,olllr(I] '-/'I'.'/( ('\ tll till' ftlnd Mt'rnht'I'. I() d~',i<,t
<br />tlH'rll in following.1 pl.Hl olio"" controllh.ll IndY r(''.lIlt in rt'dlH ed Im"l'''' I h(, ~t'I \'1( lllg ( 'JIIlr;l(!or <,h.dl pl()vldt. ,111 oj
<br />tht> service') as providC'd in th(' service contract cn!f'll'd into by drl(j !Jelwl'{'n II!(, S('rvicing Contractor dnd tlH' hmd
<br />on behalf of the Fund MerYlber. The Funcl Memtwr ,lgr(>es thJl it will cooperdtt' in instiluting Jny ilnd all reasunable
<br />loss contfol fecomnwndalions. In the ('vent that lhe rp(olllmr-n(blillll', sublllrltt'U by the Servicing ContrJnor on
<br />behalf of the fund seem unreJsonable.lhe fund r\-1cmlwr has;l right!n ;qIPt'<llto th(' Board of Tru<;\('(''-,. HI(' Iloard
<br />~h;lll heM tfw L)bjectiom of tht:, rUlld f\krnbel at it-, llextlf'gu!.1f1v ')1 ht,(hr1('d rl\~'{'ling dnd ih d('( I'-,ioll\ wi I! fl(' fil1;d
<br />and binding on all parlies_
<br />
<br />8. The Fund Mpmb('r agrees that it will appoint ;1 coordinJtur of dppMtllH't11 rll'ad r;'Ink. and th,li the fund ,Ind its
<br />Sf'fvicing Contr,Ktor sl1;1Il nol be r('quirf'ci to COI11.Hl ally orhc{ ilHlividlldl c\, l'f)l !hi~ nrlE' pf'r'-,on. AllY noll( t' 10 or
<br />any Jgrcf'ments with Ill(' coordinJtor ~h<dl!)(' hinding upolllhe IlInr!I\1(,Jll!wrllH' fund Mpmbf'r f(''ierVt'<' It"\(' right
<br />to chJnge thE" coordinator from tinw (() time by giving wrifl(.rl [l\lIH (' to Ifw! IJIIt! ;1Jld tn 11H' Servicing ContrJclOr
<br />
<br />9. The Fund. through the Servicing Contractor employed by the Fund. :lglt'i", t,,, ;\.lnd]f' and proviut, a defellS{' for anv
<br />and all claims covered undl'r this,lgfcement after prompt notice h.l~ h'.'('fl g:vl'n The rund Mern!}('r hCI('by appoint,
<br />Servicing ContrJC10r as its .lgent to Jct i r1 all matters pl'rt:lining III pr I i( (","1 i \\.: ,if!! i h;lndling uf Ilahillty claimr, covcr(.d
<br />under Ihis agreement and shall (oopf'rJte fuiiy in supplying ,if:\, i' ':r:l.!:i(j!1 nepc)r.d or h('lpflJ! in qJCh defe!l\(,
<br />Servicing Contractor shall carryon all JH~goli.ltl')11S .... ith lh(' cl.l!r!',.; 11: ,I Ill.' 11:, "t!1 If rwv ,U](j iiegolial(' wilhin du!horit'y
<br />previouslv granted by lhe fund, If J person,d .1~1r)(',H;11)((' :J\ d,!' f ld',': 1'\":1,1",,: ()[ ;111 ('Illpioyt'f' 1\ r1/.(t'\,.JrV, lhe
<br />('\pense' of this <lpp<>aranCt' \'.'111 nnl h(' tlh' f\''>PI,':l\lhilit\ ,>1 !]1' i,.JI,~ ':I,')t Ivltirl.': C(ln~r,f(ttH will (('!,I:11 ;Hid
<br />slJpervist' Il'Y;JI counsl'1 f(lr lh(' prllSt'Ciliioil .Inri ,ll'll'll',(' (11.1:1\ Ii ,I, i ji(>!l', (I)', II!ih,i;Jll,d f.I~I'''' "h.dl J:,e
<br />
<br />k,l. )(1 1.iH
<br />