<br />made by Iht' fund r'hr_9ugh th(' cnrvicing Contr;)ctor, which includes the dl'cl<,inn to .:lrreJI or not to <lppeal.
<br />HOW('V('f, ;lllV r und M('mbo ',\ <Ive th(' righl in <lily ('<1<;(' In (on..,\Ih with Iht, I on any dl'ci'-,ion madt' Ly 1h(>
<br />ServicIng Contractor. The Bo::nd shall hear the objection<. of the fund Mf'mb('1 ,it its fll'xt rpgul<Hly ',( fH'dul('d
<br />nWf'ling and their derision V\.:ill or' final and binding 011 ,!II parlip". Any "Uil brollghl or dt'fl'ndt'd by rtw St'fviring
<br />COlllr,Hlor ;ll1d \h(' fund sl1.l11 be tHought or defended only ill IfH' 1l.l11ll' of tl1(' IIJnd MCrTlbl'1 Jtld/or i\<; (Jllin'l.., ur
<br />employees. There shall be supplied periodically to each Fund Mernbpr it computer printout involving a staten,pnt of
<br />cl;Jims. As r('sptY!S the TM! !\.1unicipJlli;lbility S('lf-lnsIHdfH{, Pl.1I1, tlw Illnti <;h,!!1 havt' pri<Hity in enfl)f( inf-; il<;
<br />subrogation claims as agaimr claim~ of Fund Mf'mtwrs ('Xl-ept ;lS to (Idims of tlw"1 ("q~ Municipal LpagtH' Workefs'
<br />Compensation Joint Insurance fund, which shall take prpfcrl'llcc.
<br />
<br />10. The Fund Member acknowledges that it has recpivL'd;l copy of thl' 13yl,\ws of the rund and Jgrt.cs to abide by tlw
<br />Bylaws and any amendments thereto. The FUlld /'v1p!l1ber specificllly tlckno.......I('dges that it 15 (l member in good
<br />standing of the TML WOlkers' Compensation JointlnsUfanre Fund ;lIHl will fCHl;lin a particip;1I1t in that Fund during
<br />tht' t('fm of this Intf'rloc;J1 A~~rt't'llwnt.
<br />
<br />11 lfH' fund ,l~r('('s that ,111 furld tr,ltlsaCli()1)\ will tH' dllllu,lIly ,llldih'd hy .lll.III()I1,dly It'(ogni/E'd (('ftifit'd IllJhil(
<br />Jl(ounting fil Ill.
<br />
<br />12. Ii leg,llly required, tht' Fund shall file the fll'('('S<'.lfY lax fmlm ...",ith the IntP!I\.d R,('V('nup Sefvin'
<br />
<br />13. As thl' administrators Df the Spjf-Insurancp rund, the Board <;hall primarily ;lnd {OllslantJy kt.t'p fOff>mO\t in th('lf
<br />dehberations ,lnd decisions in operating tht' Fund th.lt {'<It h of the parti( ipatlllg fund Membel<; 1<; a "st,lf-in<'LH('d." At
<br />least annually, lhe Board shall C<Hefully review, study and con<;idel the actuJI claime, Of loss experience (includIng
<br />rpsprves for future claims pJynH'nts) of each of Ihe Fund Memb(,ls, \ fll' experience I ",ing modification developed or
<br />earnpd by (,Jch of the f"und Members, ttw pro lat,l ~aving 10 the IUfld ll".,ulling from oV('Ldl 10',s pxp('rj('nn'
<br />altlibu!l'd to {',Kh fund f\-1t'lnbn. and the pro r;1t;1 portion of tfw cmt of ,111 (,tl.l'-,trophic los, prott'c1ion r('in<,w,HH('
<br />and aggregate SlOp loss fpinsur;mce allocated to l'Jeh fund Member ;1<; well as the pfO fata allocation, as determined
<br />by the Board of thl' other ilnd necessary administrative expenses of ttw Fund, in ordef to reasonably detprmin(' the
<br />actual pro rala casl, t'xpense Jnd loss experience of each Fund Member in ordel to maintain as nparly as po<;c,ibll' an
<br />equitahle and rf';lSOn;lble ....,plf-insllrann'" admillic,tl.nion of the rund ,1'-, applied to (';lch fund Mt'mh(,f
<br />
<br />lhe fund Sh;lll m,lintain L1S(' res('r\'f'S ,]nd SLJpplt'f1WnIJJ ({'SPIVt'.., cornputf'd ill ;JClorddllc(' with thl' "!'lfldJrd
<br />,hlu,Hi;!! principiI'S. lal.,ing into MeOllnl histori(;l! .11](1 otht'r d,lla, dt'\igrwd to nW;Jsure cl,lirn<, development ;md
<br />claims incurred but nol )-'('t rf'por1f'd, salhat fund" will bl' available to rn('f't th('<;(' claims ;-IS lhf'y bt'comp due. Thp
<br />rund shall ,11<.0 cq;jblish dnd maintain.l fC<'l'r\'f' lor R(>tllrn of Contr ihutioth III imul (. fUfrfwr the fl'-,(;t! intq;rity of Ih(,
<br />rund in the t'\,PI1I of J palenti,]! ,ld\'l'rsl' 10\'-, (k\'l'lopIlH'nt.
<br />
<br />j:(., \0-1-1\-\
<br />