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14 <br /> <br />At this time, Chairman Cecil asked for Ms. Day and Mr. Pothoff, <br />of Day and Associates to make their presentation. Ms. Day said <br />they have pulled together a uniquely qualified team to perform <br />the tasks as outlined in the Council's Charge and they have a <br />very good understanding of the community and the issues facing <br />the community. She stated they have asked the Center for <br />Economic Development at the University of North Texas to be a <br />member of their team. One advantage to the Center is that they <br />are a not-for-profit organization, and the fees they have are <br />less than in most of the marketplace and will be passed on to <br />you. They have been involved with numerous cities doing the <br />same type research. <br /> <br />Mr. Pothoff stated they had tried to keep the approach to this <br />project and to the Council Charge as simple as they possibly <br />could and as well as cost effective. He stated that in the <br />Council Charge the Strategic Plan is divided into three primary <br />phases and the fourth phase being implementation which is an <br />ongoing phase. Mr. Pothoff discussed the various phases briefly <br />with the Board and stated the Board will constantly be faced <br />with addressing inquiries made by prospects which will continue <br />during the Strategic Planning Process. He said there are <br />basically two methods to handle this problem. One way would be <br />not to take any actions other than business retention until <br />after the Plan is finished, and let your fund build until you <br />know clearly what you want and how you want to do it. Another <br />option would be to develop an interim set of project criteria <br />and incentive packages you could use to address projects that <br />are going on in the interim. At a later date after the goals <br />have been developed, then you can take a permanent direction, and <br />if needed, make the adjustment to match what you have determined <br />is the direction you really want to go. <br /> <br /> Mr. Pothoff stated that they had designed each task to be <br /> accomplished in a way that it builds on itself. He stated their <br /> fee for accomplishing this is less than ten percent (10%) of the <br /> first year's sales tax revenue. They believe with public money <br /> a general rule of fund used for grant work and planning you <br /> don't want to spend more than ten percent. <br /> <br /> Board member Curtis Fendley questioned on page 21 of the <br /> proposal regarding estimated expenses. He wanted to know if <br /> this was in addition to the total fee. Mr. Pothoff said, yes <br /> the $3,000.00 in expenses is in addition to the $54,500.00. <br /> Also, Mr. Pothoff stated in Task Group 6 of the Marketing Plan <br /> the amount should be $6,000.00, but the total of $23,000.00 is <br /> correct. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cecil asked Mr. Pothoff if each one of the phases is <br /> dependent upon the other,or if the Board could pick and chose <br /> what they wanted you to do. Mr. Pothoff said they could do <br /> Phase I, without a problem, but if the Board said do this part <br /> out of Phase III there would be a problem because the prices <br /> depended on developing some of the base information to get there <br /> in Phase I and Phase II. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cecil asked Mr. Pothoff if the Board asked them to do Phase <br /> II, the Project Approval Criteria and Incentive Package out of <br /> Phase III if that something that could be done. Mr. Pothoff <br /> said it could be done, but they would probably want to look at <br /> the numbers a little more closely. In other words, Mr. Cecil <br /> said these numbers would not hold up on that kind or proposal? <br /> Mr. Pothoff said no because some of the work that would have to <br /> be done to prepare for them would not have been accomplished. <br /> <br /> <br />