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W Ally <br />December 12, 2022 <br />Page 8 <br />City Clerk Janice Ellis said the companies in items 24 and 25 were returning companies. <br />She explained that they both applied for a vehicle for hire license, had submitted their insurance <br />certificIi['s and payment. Ms. Ellis said staff recommended approval of both of these items, and <br />stated they would require separate votes with five affirmative votes for passage. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Pankaj and seconded by <br />t - <br />Council Member Pilgrim. Motion carried, 5 ayes — 0 nays. <br />Airport Manager Paul Strahan said TxDOT visited a in 2019 and determine <br />that the primary runway, primary taxiway, taxiway connectors, and apron were in need <br />rehabilitation. He also said staff was preparing for the design portion of the project and th <br />TxDOT requires funding approval for the overall project in the form of a resolution prior to t <br />work being accomplished. Mr. Strahan said the cost of the proposed runway project was $2.9 <br />million and would be funded by a grant of 90% with a required 10% match from the City. M <br />Strahan said the 10% match would be $294,000 which would come from the ARPA (Americ <br />Rescue Plan Act) funding that had been set aside for this purpose. Mr. Strahan said sta <br />recommended option one, which was approving a resolution for funding of the runw <br />rehabilitation, taxiway, taxiway connectors and apron project. <br />A Motion to approve option one was made by Council Member Pilgrim and seconded by <br />Council Member Knox. Motion carried, 5 ayes — 0 nays. <br />