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Regular Council Meeting <br />December 12, 2022 <br />Page 9 <br />27. Discuss and act on an amendment to the Hangar Waiting List Policy to reduce the <br />number of days a City owned T -hangar can remain vacant from 180 days to 90 days. <br />Mr. Strahan said the current airport policy allowed a city owned T -hangar to be vacant <br />without housing a plane for 180 days. Mr. Strahan explained that one of the ways the airport <br />generates revenue is selling avgas and jet fuel and when T -hangars were vacant, potential fuel <br />sales could be lost. Mayor Portugal said having been a previous Airport Advisory Board <br />member and a Council liaison to the board, that she totally supported this amendment. <br />A Motion to approve the amendment was made by Council Member Knox and seconded <br />by Council Member Pankaj. Motion carried, 5 ayes — 0 nays. <br />28. Discuss and act on ORDINANCE NO. 2022-089: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, AMENDING APPENDIX A, "FEE <br />SCHEDULE," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION <br />AND DEVELOPMENT FEES; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS <br />RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDING A REPEALER CLAUSE, A <br />SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, A SAVINGS CLAUSE, A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND <br />DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE r <br />Mr. Mack said Building Official Duke McGee would be giving a presentation to Council <br />about the amendment to the fee schedule. He said an increase was needed because of `staffing in <br />part, and the increase of materials for water taps. <br />Duke McGee said his presentation was mainly from a building department standpoint and <br />one of the -90 als was to combine all of the development fees into one place. He explained that <br />there was now an applicable fee associated with each permit because some of the permits that <br />were issued had no fee at all. He said they had separated commercial from residential. Mayor <br />Portugal inquired if the fees were comparable to other cities the size of Paris. Mr. McGee said <br />they were because Paris was charging a flat fee where most cities had an additional fee for <br />different parts of a permit. Mr. McGee also said the commercial fees were standard across the <br />board throughout the United States because Paris uses the ICC. Council Member Knox said she <br />noticed that the vacant building fee of $500.00 was included but the historic district vacant <br />building registry reflected $250.00 and inquired as to why that was reduced. Mr. Mack said that <br />was a typo and should read vacant residential historic district, and that staff would make the <br />correction. Mr. McGee pointed out that would be Section 9.6.2 on the fee schedule. Council <br />Member Pankaj said staff was doing a great job and the rates seemed fair. Council Member <br />Knox said with the exception of the vacant residences in the Historic District because that was <br />counterproductive of what they had been trying to do with rehabilitation of the neighborhoods. <br />She said they were supposed to be protecting the Historic Districts from deteriorating. <br />Council Member Pankaj suggested they go back and look at the fees for vacant <br />residences in the Historic District. Mr. Path said they could do that. Council Member Knox said <br />she very sensitive to the Historic District but that did not impact the work that staff had done on <br />the fees and processes. <br />