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8. Legal Services Proposal made by Basel PLI.0 was presented to the Board of Commissioners. <br />Fhe Board reeommended that a ineeting be had between all l.)arties before niaking as decisloill. Ms. <br />Ruthaa stated that slic would reach out to Mr. Musharbash. <br />9. Power Washin� <br />_! propos"d — Ms. Ruthart gave as copy ofthe bid to the Board ofCoill ill Issioller's'. <br />She expiained that the PHA could not afford the Soft Nvast'i bid but diat the buildings would be <br />powerwashcd which would be included in the F"xterior Pa ho Bid proposal. <br />7, RFISOLUTIONS: <br />20221-003 Disposition of Unrepairable Appliances Motion made by Mr, Smith and seconded <br />by Ms. Johnson. Motion passed 3-0. <br />8. Ms. Wdson asked for as niotJon Cor ad.jourranent, 'I he motion was made by Mr. Smith and <br />seconded by Ms. Johnson, Motion passed 3-0, The auric ,tin vvas a,Wjourlled at 1:25 pill. <br />APPROVEDTHIS 1,74— day of2023 <br />)/V <br />. . . ..... . ............ . . . <br />Sally Ruthata <br />rt, Secrery <br />2 <br />WilsdAlice Chairman <br />