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SWS has provided two different proposals, with two different costs, $41,428 and $39,941, with <br />the primary difference being that the lower option consists of more virtual meetings (difference of <br />$1,487.00). <br />The City could still yet decide not to outsource its solid waste service and continue to provide this <br />service to the community as a municipal operation. <br />BUDGET: If the Council chooses to hire SWS for this purpose, the total fee would be $41,428, <br />or $39,940, depending on the package selected. This fee would come out of the Sanitation Fund. <br />OPTIONS: 1. Approve the hiring of SWS for the purpose of providing the procurement <br />services for the outsourcing of the collection of residential garbage. <br />2. Approve the hiring of SWS for the purpose of providing the procurement <br />services for the outsourcing of the collection of residential and commercial <br />garbage. <br />3. Request additional information regarding SWS. <br />4. Decide not to hire SWS. <br />5. Decide to continue to provide a residential solid waste service as a municipal <br />operation. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Should the City Council choose to continue with outsourcing, City <br />Staff recommends pursuit of a professional services agreement with SWS and to weigh the <br />consultant's recommendation of including commercial garbage as part of our bid. <br />