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City of Paris Historic Preservation Facade Grant <br />One of the most notable visual features of the downtown Historic District is the historic facades. A majority of these <br />buildings are circa 1916-1918 and contributing to the National Register of Historic Places, a designation granted by <br />the Federal Government. In addition to the commercial district, the City of Paris has two residential Nationally <br />Registered Historic Districts and several standalone local landmarks. The history of these areas has produced <br />significant historic, architectural, archaeological, and cultural resources unique only to Paris. <br />The purpose of this grant is to assist property owners with the protection, preservation, and enhancement of districts <br />and landmarks. Whether a longtime residents or first time visitor, people marvel over the distinctive architectural <br />elements in Paris Texas. <br />THE FOLLOWING ARE THE TYPES OF GRANTS AND MAXIMUM AMOUNTS AVAILABLE: <br />- Commercial Historic District Grants: 50/50 matching basis with a maximum of $5000. <br />- Residential Historic Districts Grants: 50/50 matching basis up with a maximum of $2000. <br />- Commercial HD Signage Grants: 50/50 matching basis with a maximum of $1000 <br />Applicant must contact the City of Paris Historic Preservation Officer (HPO) located at City Hall Annex for a pre - <br />application consultation prior to submission of the facade grant application. Please call 903-784-9293 or email <br />mainstree.- a �aristexas.,go,v to set up an appointment. Property or business owners must apply for grant before <br />any restoration or renovation work has begun. <br />A Historic Preservation Commission Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) must accompany the facade grant <br />application. Both the COA and facade grant applications can be submitted simultaneously for review. The COA <br />ensures the project complies with the design, scope, and expectations set forth by Design Standards of the Paris <br />Historic District which include, but are not limited to, approval of project colors. The COA and Design Standards <br />can be found online at www, f aristexas. oy. A hard copy can be check out from City Hall Annex, 150 SE I" ST, <br />Paris Texas. The meeting is held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, <br />located at 107 E. Kaufman, Paris, Texas. <br />All work to be performed on the grant recipient's building must comply with City of Paris ordinances, codes, and <br />regulations. It is the sole responsibility of the grant recipient to obtain any and all zoning clearances, variances, <br />permits, and approvals. Contact should be made with the City of Paris Planning Department to determine if any <br />zoning clearances, variances, permits or approvals will be required for the project. <br />Free design assistance for signage and commercial facades are available from the Texas Main Street Design team <br />through an application submitted to the City of Paris Main Street Coordinator with a turnaround for design <br />assistance of up to 45 days. Having discussions early in the planning phase of the facade project can be extremely <br />helpful. In the case of signage grant a licationµ. desiun assistance is,.reouired„for L�rant consideration,. <br />Work must commence within two months, and be completed within 6 months of the grant approval. Incomplete <br />projects result in a forfeiture of funds. Grant recipients may request a thirty (30) day extension, but are not <br />guaranteed an extension. Extensions may be approved by the Historic Preservation Commission if substantial <br />progress is demonstrated. To request an extension, a written letter and photo(s) of progress must be submitted to <br />the City Hall Annex before the l” of each month, requesting to be placed on the HPC agenda for consideration. It <br />is the responsibility of the applicant to request the extension of the grant before the expiration date. Applicants are <br />required to represent their request for extension at the regularly scheduled Historic Commission meeting. <br />Grants will be awarded as a 50/50 match based upon the project presented. Property owners may apply for <br />additional facade grants one year after each project is completed and the property owner has received <br />reimbursement. <br />