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05 - City Council Minutes
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August 14
05 - City Council Minutes
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Special Meeting <br />August 8, 2023 <br />Page 2 <br />Council Member Pilgrim asked questions about the I&S rate as related to the 2013 bond. <br />Mr. Path explained that with restructuring of the 2013 bond and the decrease of interest rates, the <br />City would be saving about one million dollars which would be used on the new wastewater <br />plant project. <br />Mr. Path spoke about cost of living raises of 2% for all employees, with an 8% increase <br />for police officers in an effort to recruit and retain due to the shortage in that department. Mayor <br />Pro -Tem Pankaj inquired about the competition. Police Chief Richard Salter said the competition <br />was local, such as local school districts. He said it was a nationwide problem and expounded on <br />the workload of Paris police officers. Mr. Path said his hope was that this increase would help <br />attract and retain, but that the workload was a factor too. <br />Council Member Savage said he had no problem with adding employees but said they <br />would be asked why they could not find the money to retain employees but to hire new positions. <br />Mr. Path explained the City had over 300 employees and adding the new positions was a drop in <br />the book in comparison to giving over 300 employees a larger COLA. <br />Council Member Norment inquired about how the street department was doing on <br />staffing. Public Works Director M.A. Smith said they were 30% down. Council Member <br />Norment asked if an increase in salaries would help retain employees in that department. Mr. <br />Smith said it could not hurt. <br />Council Member Pilgrim confirmed with Mr. Path that over the last few years there had <br />been a deficit in the EMS Department. Mr. Path said over the last year changes had been made <br />to help with that, which included adding Emergicon for billing and increasing the rates. <br />Next, Mr. Path reviewed the revenue, property valuations, and expenditure summary <br />including the capital outlay. <br />Mayor Hughes said he appreciated Mr. Path and the staff for their hard work. He said he <br />was very happy to be a part of this team, as did other Council Members. <br />Mr. Path inquired if Council wished to have another special meeting and if not, he would <br />plan to bring budget items for their consideration on the August 28 agenda. He reminded <br />Council that they were working with deadlines and later it would be hard to change the budgets. <br />Council Members did not request a special meeting. <br />4. Adjournment. <br />There being no further business, a Motion to adjourn was made by Council Member <br />
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