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for residential areas, Class I & 2, ten-year cycle for apartment areas and mass housing projects, <br />and twenty -five-year cycle for areas of lower zoning classification than residential. <br />No street shall be designed or allowed in any subdivision to carry more surface water than can be <br />carried by the street when the water is running curb deep. <br />All drainage easements over or across adjacent tracts of land that are necessitated by the <br />subdividing of a tract of land shall be secured and furnished to the City by the subdivider. " <br />The City Engineering Department would recommend an overhaul of this section to be included in <br />the Paris Development Code as it is developed. I would recommend that our Code of Ordinance <br />base most zoning at a minimum of the 50 year recurrence interval storm to store more water onsite <br />before discharging downstream. Requiring a larger recurrence interval storm (I.E. 100 year) for <br />each development would be better, but may prove cost prohibitive. Requiring stormwater detention <br />and a slower discharge rate would help in any rain event because there would be metering of water <br />off the site, as opposed to now where in many cases, there is no flood storage whatsoever. I also <br />highly recommend �.,etting away from automatically draining all of the stormwater to the public <br />streets. Enclosing the stormwater into sufficiently sized pipes after their private detention facility, <br />and draining directly to an established and appropriately sized tributary would be the best option. <br />I believe strong, two-way communication with private developers and detailed and enforceable <br />maintenance plans for private drainage facilities will be important moving forward. <br />I discussed some of these issues with the City of Sherman, Texas, and they have the following <br />statement in their Stormwater Manual, "A detention facility must be able to hold a 100 year (2 <br />hour rainfall event) for the site without exceeding the pre -developed Discharge Rate. " The City <br />of McKinney also requires the 100 year event to be detained. Since our current requirement is not <br />defined in clear terms like Sherman and McKinney, I believe 50 year storm detention and discharge <br />is a reasonable requirement. <br />Each site is different, and an individually engineered solution needs to be evaluated each time. As <br />we move forward, the City Engineering Department will emphasize with each engineer working <br />on these projects that this is of utmost importance to the city. <br />Regarding #6: The Engineering Department would like to conduct an aerial survey of the entire <br />city to enhance understanding of existing drainage pathways. Lidar stands for Laser imaging, <br />detection, and ranging. This would be conducted by a plane flight, with a laser shooting every <br />surface throughout the city at 4-8 shots per square meter. This will help immensely as we look to <br />improve drainage capacity, understand flowpaths, revise floodplains, measure existing impervious <br />areas (e.g. rooftops, sidewalks, streets), etc. Prices include flights and data processing. Once <br />processed, we will have 1 foot contours throughout the city, and that will reduce survey costs for <br />individuals wanting to develop in Paris (or any users of the Platting process). The data would also <br />be ready and available for special consultants and will reduce the need for special surveys. Costs <br />for this work to be conducted is approximately $34,000. <br />c <br />