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Regarding #3: There are opportunities where concentrated efforts could improve certain areas of <br />the floodplain. For example, the large open area on the western edge of Wade Park, which used to <br />be the location of the wading pool, could be used for overflow storage in a flood event. It would <br />be designed to fill up when needed, and then slowly empty as the flood event wanes, reducing the <br />intensity of flood events downstream. Exhibits showing this location as well as a location <br />immediately north of the Paris Family Dental are provided below. <br />Regarding #4: When possible, given the City has existing crews in the budget, we would <br />recommend utilizing these crews to perform some of this work as the workload allows. <br />Regarding # 5: As properties develop in this and any drainage area around the city, I recommend <br />each developer perform an engineering analysis of pre -development and post -development flows. <br />This is normally done on a 25 year recurrence interval (4% chance of this storm happening in any <br />given year). The water leaving the site needs to be metered to pre -development levels after the <br />build. In the case of large impervious surface area increase (i.e. parking lot, added roof space, <br />patios, etc.), this could involve vaults, storm water catchment areas, swales, and/or ponds. Flow <br />control devices such as weirs, orifice plates, baffles, and other methods of metering are very <br />effective for 25 year and lower storms. When storms exceed the 25 year recurrence interval, the <br />devices have overflow openings to allow free flow of water downstream. <br />The current ordinances relating to stormwater improvements during development do not currently <br />require what is discussed in the previous paragraph. The current drainage requirements located in <br />Exhibit 9A Subdivision Ordinance, Section IX. Design of Improvements, Subsection E: Drainage <br />reads as follows: <br />"E. Draingge. <br />Storm sewers, bridges, culverts, inlets, and drainage channels or ditches of a permanent design <br />adequate to carry off such rainfall shall be installed by the subdivider throughout the entire length <br />of the drainage area where the surface drainage traverses the subdivision. The subdivider may <br />construct in lieu of storm sewers suitable drainage channels which shall be of sufficient width, <br />depth and shape to carry off the surface drainage and allow for maintenance operations in keeping <br />such ditches open. All drainage ditches so constructed shall have their sides sloped so as to retard <br />erosions; the flow line of said ditches shall be permanently established by small low flow concrete <br />sections, and the banks of all curves or bends shall be permanently protected to prevent erosion. <br />No open drainage channels shall be constructed within the areas dedicated as public streets and <br />alleys in said subdivision provided however, that in cases where utilization o the land ol the <br />im_ roved development warrants otherwise, such ditches ma ,v be located in the center :, ortion o ' <br />the street_ (except at street intersections where culverts or bridges of a permanent design shall be <br />constructed) where a right-of-way not less than eighty (80) feet in width, plus width, for drainage <br />channel, is provided. <br />Computations to determine whether such lots or land will be flooded by rainfall and the size of <br />drainage facilities adequate to prevent flooding shall be based upon the "Rational Method" using <br />the Texas State Highway Department's Frequency of Rainfall for District 1, and a five-year cycle <br />19 <br />