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advantageous to the City to centralize this effort by having one person with the knowledge, process and <br />documents that everyone can go to and work together with to accomplish this critical task. Our goal will be <br />to obtain another person with a CPA certificate if possible which will add further depth and skill to this <br />department for critical financial analysis. Having this position will also allow Mr. Anderson to delegate staff <br />managerial duties. As with the ACM position discussed earlier, this is another position that I believe will <br />create greater efficiency within our ever increasingly dynamic organization. <br />The fourth, fifth and sixth positions that I am seeking permission to create are three additional full-time <br />paramedics to replace three part-time positions within the City's EMS Department. This would allow us a <br />full-time 4th frontline ambulance crew each shift with the Deputy Chief available in a 511 unit to supervise <br />and respond to emergencies as necessary on a 24/7 basis. The number of calls for service has begun to <br />approach ten thousand a year and will likely exceed that in short time. To service this ever increasing demand <br />for emergency services, the EMS Department currently has four full-time frontline ambulance crews each <br />day (24/7). Each truck requires two personnel (Captain and Crewmember). Three of these units are staffed <br />with full-time employees while the 4' unit is staffed with a full-time employee and a part-time employee for <br />15 hours, after which the part-time employee leaves and the full-time employee is joined by the Deputy Chief. <br />This prevents the Deputy Chief from effectively managing the shift at night and causes us to lose the ability <br />to utilize a fifth ambulance quickly when needed. After much discussion, Fire Chief Thomas McMonigle, <br />Assistant EMS Chief Jason Dyess and I are in agreement that the City of Paris will be better served with four <br />full-time front line ambulances, operating 24/7 along with the Deputy Chief in a 5t' unit to properly supervise <br />and be ready to effectively respond when necessary. To accomplish this, we need to hire three new personnel <br />(one per each of three shifts). We would like to replace the part-time position with a full-time position, thus <br />giving us a Deputy Chief and eight full-time positions each shift. Given the demand requires the need of a <br />4' front line truck (often times even more than this), we need to shift away from a permanent part-time <br />employee presence each day to a full-time employee each day. This will also allow us to once again place <br />our part-time employees in reserve status for filling in for vacation, sick, high demand times beyond what <br />four front line trucks can manage, transfers, etc., which was the goal of part-time positions to begin with in <br />this department. When examining the net cost change, we will take a 15 -hour per day part-time position and <br />simply add the additional 9 hours a day and make it a full-time position. There will be added cost for these 9 <br />hours each day with benefits for the entire day, but given the differences in hourly rates between FT and PT, <br />a need to have the position more reliably and consistently filled, and a need to free up the Deputy Chief for <br />shift management 24/7 and part-time employees for leave coverage, we believe the added cost is outweighed <br />by the gains we will receive. <br />The seventh position that I am seeking permission to create is a fourth Utility Meter Reader. We currently <br />have two Utility Meter Readers and a Customer Service Representative who doubles as a Meter Reader. With <br />the City of Paris increasing its sewer rate incrementally these past 24 months, and with more increases <br />planned in the future on account of our Wastewater Treatment Plant Project, we have seen the number of <br />disconnects for non-payment double. This places a heavy demand on staff as we must timely perform this <br />task, as well as timely restore service upon payment by the customer. During these tense situations with upset <br />customers, we believe there is a need to increase our service ability by adding a new full-time meter reader. <br />This is also necessary to prevent abuse of non-payment situations as utility bills must be paid in order to <br />operate our utility business, which means situations where non-payment is occurring must be dealt with <br />swiftly to cease the issue before becoming worse. Given our rate increases are not a temporary measure, <br />making this a full-time position is necessary. For full disclosure, due to the high demand on staff and the <br />need to keep up with the service, Mr. Anderson and I approved utilizing temporary help beginning this <br />summer with the hopeful goal of it turning into a full time position in FY23/24. <br />The eighth and final new full-time position that I am seeking permission to create is a Community <br />Development Department Secretary. The City of Paris has enjoyed a tremendous amount of industrial, <br />commercial, and residential growth in recent years with much more planned on the horizon. To accomplish <br />this pursuant to city code, city staff must be swift and timely with its pre -development meetings, plan reviews, <br />Page 14 of 23 <br />