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populations less than 30,000 have an additional threshold called the "De Minimis Rate" that is calculated <br />differently (not shown here), would exceed the Voter -Approval Rate and would give the city the ability to <br />raise additional Property Tax without triggering the election. In this situation, an election would only be <br />required if the final requested property tax rate exceeded both the Voter Approval Rate as well as the De <br />Minimis Rate. It is not recommended that the City of Paris utilize this additional growth created by the De <br />Minimis Rate unless necessary. <br />From professional experience working in the State of Nebraska which has had a "Growth Restriction' for <br />20+ years, it is strongly recommended that the City of Paris attempt to utilize this allowed growth each year, <br />when needed, in order to keep up with the growing costs of performing the Financial Policy. The costs that <br />the City sees (third party, professional services, benefits, insurance, fuel, etc.) is not limited by this same <br />legislation, therefore if the City falls behind, it could find itself unable to keep up, thus cutting services. <br />Fortunately, the legislation is currently written such that a City can still utilize unused growth within three <br />years (if the City utilizes 2.5% of the allowed 3.5% in year one, it can still use that additional 1% within the <br />next three years). After that though, the City forever loses that growth potential, thus the road to falling <br />behind begins. Utilizing the 3.5% growth each year, when needed, also allows for steady and healthy <br />increases instead of drastic and last minute ones. I am in no way proposing that we arbitrarily increase the <br />property tax for M&O each year by 3.5% if it is not needed. But if the service calls for this, given the <br />legislators have already acted on behalf of the general public by limiting the growth potential, the 3.5%, <br />which is not a lot to work with, would be reasonable to utilize when necessary. <br />Reasons for Salient, Chanes from the Previous Fiscal Year <br />So as not to repeat myself, please see Sections 43(7) and 43(8) below, which are combined in this memorandum. <br />ChpSgswin Financial Policy <br />The Financial Policy for FY23/24 is the same as given in FY22/23. <br />City of Paris Charter — Article V — Section 43(2) <br />"A consolidated statement of receipts and expenditures for all, funds. " <br />Page 16 of 23 <br />
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