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City of Paris Charter — Article V — Section 43(5) <br />"Tax levies and tax collections by years for at least five years or, if records for five years are not available, <br />then for as many years as are available. " <br />Total Tax Levy is what could have been paid if 100% of the taxes were paid. Total Tax Collected is what was actually <br />paid. The City typically hovers in the 97% - 98% range. As of the writing of this memorandum, the city is once again <br />around 97.3% so far in FY22/23. We work closely with our Delinquent Tax Attorney to address issues of unpaid <br />property tax each year. Total Tax collected for FY22/23 is not yet known, therefore is excluded from this table. <br />City of Paris Charter — Article V — Section 43(6) <br />"General Fund Resources in detail. " <br />Please see Exhibit A attached for a detailed listing of all Funds by line item (not just General Fund). This Exhibit A <br />shows the Proposed FY22/23 Budget (shown on the sheets as "Proposed FY2024 Budget"). The "Year Budget" is the <br />FY22/23 Budget. The "Current Year" is how much has been received to -date as of the printing of Exhibit A. And <br />finally FY2022, FY2021, FY2020, and FY2019 are the prior four years of Actual Revenues that were used to help <br />produce the Proposed FY23/24 Budget. There is of course a lot of information here, but for a community the size of <br />Paris, budgets are complex. The purpose of showing you this much information is to give transparency. <br />City of Paris Charter — Article V — Section 43(7), 43(8), 43(9) <br />"Summmy of proposed expenditures by function, department, and activity. " <br />"Summary ofproposed expenditures by character and object. " <br />"Detailed estimates of expenditures shown separately for each activity to support the summaries No. 7 and <br />8 above. Such estimates of expenditures are to include an itemization of positions showing the number of <br />persons having each title and the rate of pay. " <br />Please see Exhibit B attached for a detailed listing of all Funds by line item. This Exhibit B shows the Proposed <br />FY23/24 Budget (shown in the software as "Proposed FY2024 Budget"). The "Year Budget" is the FY22/23 Budget. <br />The "Expended Year" is how much has been spent to -date as of the printing of Exhibit B. And finally FY2022, <br />FY2021, FY2020, and FY2019 are the prior four years of Actual Expenditures that were used to help produce the <br />Proposed FY23/24 Budget. There is of course a lot of information here, but for a community the size of Paris, budgets <br />are complex. The purpose of showing you this much information is to give transparency. To assist you in identifying <br />Operating Departments, the following legend is a breakdown of the Departments by Fund Number and Department <br />Number, and for added convenience, I have entered the total Proposed FY23/24 Budget for each department (in some <br />situations, you must add the Expense and Capital Outlay -Equipment to get the total). <br />Page 19 of 23 <br />