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Regular Council Meeting <br />December 14, 2020 <br />Page 6 <br />Council Member Pilgrim said the public needed to know that 24 million dollars was spent <br />on this project and that Council thinks there are some things that were brushed over and not done <br />according to contract. Mayor Clifford agreed with Council Member Pilgrim. He said he was <br />impressed with this company and expressed appreciation to Mr. Path for bringing them to Paris. <br />Council Member Stone said they needed to hold people accountable. Following additional <br />discussion, Mayor Clifford, Council Member Hughes and Council Member Pilgrim volunteered <br />to serve on the subcommittee. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Mayor Clifford and seconded by Council <br />Member Pilgrim. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />22. Discuss and act on a TxDOT Safety Grant Proposal to pursue funding for a raised <br />median from 33'd Street to 42nd Street on Lamar Avenue and the closing of crossover <br />lanes on Loop 286 located approximately at the Home Depot, 29th Street, Spur 139 and <br />Clement Road. <br />Mr. Path explained that TxDOT had available funds for safety-related Capital <br />Improvement Projects throughout the State, and it was a competitive program. He said that the <br />local TxDOT Office had submitted several projects for the TxDot's Review Team's <br />consideration and that the local regional office would like Paris' support. Mr. Path introduced <br />Regional Engineer Dan Taylor. Mr. Taylor said every year TxDOT has a safety project, and <br />then explained the process. He said it was very competitive. Mr. Taylor spoke about the first <br />project being a raised median from 33' Street to 42nd Street on Lamar Avenue. Council Member <br />Pilgrim inquired about the traffic count on Lamar Avenue, and Mr. Taylor said it was in excess <br />of 22,000 on a daily basis. Mayor Clifford said he fully supported this and it would help keep <br />people safer. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Path discussed closing of crossover lanes on Loop 286. <br />Council Member Hughes inquired how long it would take to do all of this. Mr. Taylor said once <br />they got started, it would take four or five months and the work would need to be done at night. <br />Council Member Stone said she was in favor of making our community safer. Mr. Path <br />informed Council there would be no City match required and Mr. Taylor said the money was all <br />Federal funding. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Mayor Clifford and seconded by Council <br />Members Portugal and Hughes. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />23. Discuss and act on developing a procedure for expending the City of Paris' allocation of <br />Coronavirus Relief Funding from the Texas Department of Emergency Management. <br />Mr. Path said about 1.4 million dollars was allocated to Paris in funding. He said initially <br />the funding was restricted to abnormal Covid-19 related expenses, such as testing kits, <br />ventilators, and payroll directly caused by Covid-19 and that the City would have realistically <br />been limited to a portion of the total available allocation because the City simply did not have a <br />significant amount of abnormal expenses due to Covid. Mr. Path said the City was able to assist <br />the Health District and schools in an attempt to bring the money into our community instead of <br />losing it. Mr. Path reported that in recent months the Federal/State Government had clarified <br />what were eligible payroll expenses which now allow full utilization. Mr. Path explained by <br />