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2023-041 - Authorizing an Inter-Local Agreement between the City of Paris and Hopkins County for a combined task force funded by the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority for the Northeast Tex
City Clerk
2023-041 - Authorizing an Inter-Local Agreement between the City of Paris and Hopkins County for a combined task force funded by the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority for the Northeast Tex
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8/28123,12:35 PM <br />ID Activity <br />MVCPATaskforce Grant Negotiation <br />Measure <br />Target <br />1. 1.6 Conduct bait vehicle operations that target Number of bait vehicle deployments. Include BMV bait operations here. 12 <br />MVT offenders <br />1.1.8 Deploy license plate readers (LPR) Number of times LPR deployed. Deploy: If stationary unit then total number of <br />days or partial days unit was operable and on. Mobile unit number of days the <br />unit was on and operable. <br />1.1.9 Respond to taskforce license plate reader Number of times investigators responded to taskforce LPR alert notifications 30 <br />(LPR) alert notifications regardless of whether vehicle was located <br />1.1.12 Conduct covert operations targeting MVT Number of covert operations 1 <br />offenders <br />1.1.13 Conduct warrant "round -up" operations Number of warrant round -up operations performed for MVT, BMV and <br />targeting motor vehicle crime offenders, FRMVC. <br />including people wanted for MVTs, motor <br />vehicle burglaries, theft of vehicle parts and <br />motor vehicle fraud related crime. <br />1.1.20 Number of Altered Vehicles Recovered Report the total number of vehicles recovered with altered Vehicle <br />Identification Number. Note: Please remember that a vehicle recovered must <br />be reported in 1.1.15 <br />1.2 Strategy 2: Conduct Collaborative Efforts that Result In Reduction of Incidents of Motor Vehicle Theft <br />1.2.1 Provide Agency Assists for MVT and motor <br />vehicle related fraud <br />1.2.2 Collaborate with other units or divisions <br />(i.e. homicide, vice, narcotics, etc.) within <br />the taskforce department(s) where a <br />motor vehicle was used in the commission <br />of the crime (includes identification of <br />vehicles). Include all participating <br />jurisdiction departments here. <br />1.2.3 Collaborate with all other outside LE <br />agencies and other organizations that <br />assist in the reduction of MVTs. Include all <br />coverage jurisdictions here. <br />1.2.5 Conduct intelligence information -sharing <br />(Personal attendance) <br />1.2.6 Conduct intelligence information -sharing <br />(Written information) <br />1.2.7 Collaborate with other MVCPAtaskforces <br />Number of agency assists related to MVT. Assist means responding or <br />answering questions via phone, e-mail, or in person. Providing <br />recommendation, guidance, strategy, support or information that other <br />LEOs will use to resolve their cases. The assist generally does not have <br />the direct responsibility for an investigation nor uses LEO authority. The <br />assist helps another LEO or agency investigate cases. Analysts and <br />civilian employees will record their assists to outside LEOs and <br />agencies met here along with officers. <br />Number of times collaborated within departments or SOs participating in <br />taskforce related to MVT. Collaboration means physically using law <br />enforcement resources, tactics and authority to perform activity on cases that <br />draw upon or aid in the investigation intended to further the resolution of any <br />case, identify partes to crime, identify vehicles, interview witnesses/suspects <br />and apprehend suspects. Collaboration will include any help, <br />recommendation, contribution or support requested from or provided to <br />another unit or offered by the taskforce that aids in the furtherance of motor <br />vehicle theft investigations. <br />Number of times collaborated with coverage area agencies or other law <br />enforcement agencies and organizations that assist in the reduction of MVT. <br />Collaboration means physically using law enforcement resources, tactics and <br />authority to perform activity on cases that draw upon or aid in the <br />investigation intended to further the resolution of any case, identify parties to <br />crime, identify vehicles, interview witnesses/suspects and apprehend <br />suspects. Collaboration will include any help, recommendation, contribution <br />or support requested from or provided to another unit or offered by the <br />taskforce that aids in the furtherance of MVTtheft investigations. <br />Number of intelligence meetings attended (include attending as presenter, <br />participant or attendee) <br />Crime analysis bulletins disseminated (include information distributed to <br />law enforcement agencies via text, e-mail, or intra -net communications) <br />Number of times collaborated with other MVCPA taskforces that assist in the <br />reduction in MVT, BMV and FRMVC. <br />1.3 Strategy 3: Prevent and Reduce the Incidence of Fraud -Related Motor Vehicle Activities <br />1.3.1 Collaborate with agencies relating to Number of collaborations <br />investigation and enforcement of vehicle <br />insurance fraud and FRMVC <br />1.3.2 Conduct confidential 68(A) inspections (for Number of vehicles inspected to complete a TxDMV 68A inspection form per <br />TxDMV assignment or reassignment of VIN TxDMV (VIN assignment, reassignment, bonded title) <br />required by Tx Trans. Code §501.032) <br />1.3.3 Conduct VIN verification inspections. (All Number of vehicles inspected by taskforce to identify the vehicles not <br />other reasons except bridge or port) reported in confidential (68A) or bridge and port sections. <br />1.3.4 Coordinate with TxDMV/Tax Offices relating Number of collaborations with TxDMV HQ, TxDMV Regional Service Centers <br />to investigation and enforcement of or County Tax Assessor Collector offices. <br />fraudulent titles and registration of stolen <br />vehicles <br />Goal 2: Reduce the Incidence of Theft from Motor Vehicles through Enforcement Strategies <br />200 <br />12 <br />12 <br />12 <br />FH] <br />400 <br />koo <br />2.1 Strategy 1: Conduct Activities that Result in the Arrest, Clearance, and Recoveries of Burglary of Motor Vehicles and <br />Theft of Vehicle Parts and Accessories <br />httpsJ/ rFGPrintApplicafion.asp?ApplD=225&FiscalYear-2024 10/12 <br />
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