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8/28/23,12:35 PM <br />ID Activity <br />MWPATaskforce Grant Negotiation <br />Measure <br />Target <br />2.1.1 Conduct bait vehicle operations that target Number of bait vehicle burglary deployments <br />vehicle burglary offenders <br />2.1.2 Identify "prolific BMV offenders" through Number of offenders identified <br />informants and intelligence [Prolific is <br />defined as "linked to BMV and theft of <br />vehicle parts and accessories offenses <br />three or more times"] <br />2.2 Strategy 2: Conduct Collaborative Efforts that Result in the Reduction of Incidents of Theft From a Motor Vehicle <br />2.2.1 Provide Agency Assists BMV. <br />2.2.2 Collaborate with other units or divisions <br />within the taskforce department(s) (i.e. <br />homicide, vice, narcotics, etc.) where theft <br />of parts occurred in the commission of the <br />crime (includes identification of vehicle). <br />Include all participating jurisdiction <br />departments here. <br />2.2.3 Collaborate with all other outside LE <br />agencies and other organizations where <br />theft of parts occurred in the commission of <br />the crime (includes identification of <br />vehicle). Include all coverage jurisdictions <br />here. <br />Number of agency assists related to BMV or stolen parts. Assist means 10 <br />responding or answering questions via phone, e-mail, or in person. <br />Providing recommendation, guidance, strategy, support or information <br />that other LEOs will use to resolve their cases. The assist generally <br />does not have the direct responsibility for an investigation nor uses <br />LEO authority. The assist helps another LEO or agency investigate <br />cases. Analysts and civilian employees will record their assists to <br />outside LEDs and agencies met here along with officers. <br />Number of times collaborated within departments or SOs participating in 5 <br />taskforce related to BMV or stolen parts. Collaboration means physically <br />using law enforcement resources, tactics and authority to perform activity on <br />cases that draw upon or aid in the investigation intended to further the <br />resolution of any case, identify parties to crime, identify vehicles, interview <br />witnesses/suspects and apprehend suspects. Collaboration will include any <br />help, recommendation, contribution or support requested from or provided to <br />another unit or offered by the taskforce that aids in the furtherance of BMV <br />theft investigations. <br />Number of times collaborated with coverage area agencies or other law 5 <br />enforcement agencies and organizations that assist in the reduction of BMV <br />or stolen parts. Collaboration means physically using law enforcement <br />resources, tactics and authority to perform activity on cases that draw upon or <br />aid in the investigation intended to further the resolution of any case, identify <br />parties to crime, identify vehicles, interview witnesses/suspects and <br />apprehend suspects. Collaboration will include any help, recommendation, <br />contribution or support requested from or provided to another unit or offered <br />by the taskforce that aids in the furtherance of motor vehicle theft <br />investigations. <br />3 Goal 3: Educate/Train Citizens and Qualified Personnel in Detection and Prevention of Motor Vehicle Theft, Burglary of <br />Motor Vehicles and Theft of Vehicle Parts and Accessories <br />3.1 Strategy 1: Conduct Public Awareness Related Activities Used to Educate Citizens <br />3.1.1 Conduct educational outreach events Number of outreaches <br />(include trade show, exhibits, booths at <br />community events, vehicle displays, <br />brochures, etc.) <br />3.1.2 Conduct educational presentations to the Number of presentations. Presentation means in person, on-line, original <br />public written document, article, orwebpage. <br />3.1.4 Conduct vehicle identification Number of etching events. Include windows, component parts, VIN stamps <br />initiative/event and catalytic converters. <br />3.1 A.1 Conduct vehicle identification Number of Participants/Attendees (Vehicles Marked) <br />initiative/event <br />3.1.5 Purchase advertisements in local outlets Number of advertisements purchased or provided complimentary for <br />taskforce. Include all types of media purchased or provided free (social, tv, <br />utility inserts, billboards, transportation, etc.). Describe in 6.1.1. <br />3.1.6 Conduct vehicle report card initiatives. Number report cards issued <br />3.1.7 Utilize social media outlets (Facebook, Number of postings in social media outlets <br />Twitter, Instagram, etc.) <br />25 <br />3.1.8 Deploy outdoor public notification signage Number of deployments per month (if sign remains several months, count as 12 <br />1 deployment per month) <br />3.1.10 Conduct media outreach, including, public Number of outreaches <br />service announcements, press releases, <br />and interviews <br />3.2 Strategy 2: Conduct Law Enforcement Training Activities to Educate Officers on Recognition and Apprehension of <br />Stolen Vehicles and Property <br />3.2.1 Conduct law enforcement training (TCOLE) Number of classes provided for TCOLE credit 1 <br />3.2.3 Conduct vehicle crimes presentations to Number of classes or presentations. Presentations may include electronic roll 6 <br />law enforcement agencies (non TCOLE) call documents, shift BOLOs and other written or presented materials based <br />on local practices. <br />httpsJ/ 11112 <br />