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MINUTES OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING <br />OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />SEPTEMBER 07, 2023 <br />The Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of Paris met for a regular session at 5:30 p.m. on <br />Thursday, September 07, 2023, in the City Hall, Council Chambers, 107 East Kaufman, Paris, <br />Texas. <br />Present: Board Members: Clifton Fendley, Francine Neeley, Adam Bolton, Robert <br />Spain, Chad Lindsey <br />City Representatives: Robert Vine, Asst. City Manager; Todd Mittge, City <br />Engineer; Andrew Mack, City Planner; Triniti <br />Frazier, Community Development Coordinator <br />Absent: Board Member(s): Tylesha Ross -Mosley, Chance Abbott <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />Chairman Clifton Fendley called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. <br />2. Citizens' Forum. <br />The citizens' forum was declared open. With no one speaking, the forum was declared closed. <br />3. Approve minutes from the meeting of August 07, 2023. <br />A Motion to approve the minutes was made by Board Member Francine Neeley and seconded <br />by Board Member Adam Bolton. Motion carried, 5 ayes — 0 nays. <br />4, Conduct a public hearing and take action regarding the petition of George Preston for a change <br />in zoning from a General Retail District (GR) to Two -Family Dwelling District (217) in the City <br />of Paris, Block 112, Lot 25A, LCAD 15752, located at 1355-1357 E Sherman Street. <br />Mack states the applicant plans to construct a duplex and the property is in the review process <br />for a plat and variances. The change in zoning will be consistent the future land use map. Mack <br />recommends approval for the rezoning from Commercial to Two -Family. <br />The public hearing was declared open. George Preston states he bought this property in the <br />early 90's and it had a duplex on it that was later demolished. Preston further states he would <br />like to construct a new two-bedroom, two -bath duplex at this location. Commissioner Robert <br />Spain expressed concerns about the required parking for this small site. Spain further states <br />there is a traffic and safety concern with the large trucks delivering to the Kroger store. Planner <br />Andrew Mack states the applicant was granted a variance approval with conditions to include <br />no on -street parking at this site. <br />With no one else speaking the public hearing was declared closed. <br />