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3. The minutes of the August 9, 2023 meeting minutes were approved with one correction of <br />the spelling of Commissioner Dougherty's name. Commissioner Dougherty made a motion, <br />seconded by Commissioner Schumake to approve the minutes. Motion carried. 5 ayes, 0 <br />nays. <br />4. A. Mr. Maurico Negrete came before the Commission for approval of a Certificate of <br />Appropriateness on the changes to be made on the exterior of his home at 8341St SW. He <br />plans to replace the windows using aluminum or fiberglass clad window. He also wants to <br />take out existing windows on the front and add a double window on either side of the door or <br />just on the south side of the door. The roof will be black shingles. The door will be <br />fiberglass. The siding will be the same, just replacing what is rotted. He will use a metal <br />skirting around the base. A motion was made by Commissioner Holtman, seconded by <br />Commissioner Dougherty to approve the COA. Motion carried. 5 ayes; 0 nays. <br />B. Mr. Negrete has also applied for a fagade grant. A motion was made by Commissioner <br />Holtman, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty. Motion carried. 5 ayes; 0 nays. <br />C. Mr. Negrete is applying for a Tax Exemption for the Rehabilitation of Historic Property. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Holtman, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty. <br />Motion carried. 5 ayes; 0 nays <br />5. A. Mr. Randy Hider came before the Commission to see approval of a Certificate of <br />Appropriateness for a new construction for a duplex at 1032 Church Street. The area is <br />currently zoned 2-F. He presented the exterior house plan. He plans to live in the duplex. <br />Although the plan presented is a pier and beam, his house will be on a slab. Commissioner <br />Holtman expressed concern about placing a duplex in the historic district of Church Street. <br />She stated that duplexes were not a part of the history of the area. Mr. Hider pointed out that <br />there is a recently approved apartment complex a block away on S. Main Street. <br />Commissioner Vandiver asked about steps since it will be on a slab. Mr. Hider said it would <br />not have the steps shown in the plan. Commissioner Vandiver asked if this could be tabled <br />since the issues appears to be the zoning which would have to go before P&Z. <br />Commissioner Coyle said because it is already zoned 2-F, P&Z would not make any changes <br />unless they were looking at the entire area that is already zoned 2-F. Mr. Mack stated that <br />this would be an issue for the City Council and not P&Z and would take from 6-9 months to <br />do a comprehensive land use analysis Commissioner Coyle stated that he believes the issues <br />is for future land use and not just this one particular project. Commissioner Holtman made a <br />motion seconded by Commissioner Johnson to table this COA for further discussion and <br />submit a request to P&Z and/or City Council for an emergency hearing to expedite this. <br />Motion carried. 5 ayes; 0 nays. <br />B. Mr. Hider is applying for a fagade grant for this same property. Commission Holtman <br />made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Vandiver, to table this until a later time. Motion <br />carried. 5 ayes, 0 nays. <br />C. Mr. Hider will also apply for a Tax Exemption for the New Construction in the Historic <br />District. Commissioner Holtman made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty to <br />table this until a later time. Motion carried. 5 ayes; 0 nays. <br />